What Is Another Way to Say “Go Around”?

Looking for synonyms for go around? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say go around.

  • Circulate
  • Traverse
  • Bypass
  • Circumnavigate
  • Perambulate
  • Navigate
  • Roam
  • Wander
  • Tour
  • Travel
  • Meander
  • Rove
  • Prowl
  • Ramble
  • Ambulate
  • Patrol
  • Range
  • Stroll
  • Saunter
  • Trek

Want to learn how to say go around professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Circulate

Used for the movement of something or someone from place to place within an area.

  • Example: “The memo will circulate among all departments for feedback.”

2. Traverse

Suitable for crossing over an area or moving through it.

  • Example: “The sales team traversed the region to meet potential clients.”

3. Bypass

Used when avoiding an area or going around it.

  • Example: “To reach the venue on time, we’ll need to bypass the downtown traffic.”

4. Circumnavigate

Appropriate for going completely around something, typically in a wide circle.

  • Example: “The expedition team circumnavigated the globe in 80 days.”

5. Perambulate

Formal term for walking through, around, or within a place.

  • Example: “The inspector will perambulate the building to assess its condition.”

Suitable for finding a way through or across an area.

  • Example: “The driver expertly navigated the busy city streets.”

7. Roam

Refers to moving or traveling with no specific purpose or direction.

  • Example: “Researchers observed the animals roaming freely in their natural habitat.”

8. Wander

Used when traveling aimlessly or without a fixed destination.

  • Example: “He wandered through the old town, exploring its hidden alleys.”

9. Tour

Appropriate for taking a journey or trip through a place.

  • Example: “The delegation will tour the facility before the meeting.”

10. Travel

A general term for going from one place to another.

  • Example: “She travels extensively for work across Europe and Asia.”

11. Meander

Used for following a winding course or wandering leisurely.

  • Example: “The scenic route meanders along the coastline.”

12. Rove

Refers to traveling constantly without a fixed destination, often over a wide area.

  • Example: “The documentary crew roved across the desert to capture wildlife footage.”

13. Prowl

Suitable for moving around stealthily, especially in search of something.

  • Example: “The security guard prowled the premises during the night shift.”

14. Ramble

Used for walking or traveling for pleasure without a definite route.

  • Example: “On weekends, he likes to ramble through the countryside.”

15. Ambulate

Formal or medical term for walking from place to place.

  • Example: “The patient was encouraged to ambulate to aid their recovery.”

16. Patrol

Appropriate for regularly moving around a place to ensure security or order.

  • Example: “The police patrol the neighborhood regularly.”

17. Range

Refers to moving or traveling over a wide area, especially to seek or obtain something.

  • Example: “The sales representative ranged over the entire region to meet clients.”

18. Stroll

Suitable for a leisurely walk.

  • Example: “They took a relaxing stroll around the park during lunch break.”

19. Saunter

Used for walking in a slow, relaxed manner.

  • Example: “He sauntered into the meeting, unfazed by the ongoing discussions.”

20. Trek

Refers to a long, challenging journey, especially on foot.

  • Example: “The team trekked through the mountains as part of their leadership training.”

Linda Brown