What Is Another Way to Say “Self-Employed”?

Looking for synonyms for self-employed? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say self-employed.

  • Independent contractor
  • Freelancer
  • Sole proprietor
  • Business owner
  • Entrepreneur
  • Self-starter
  • Independent professional
  • Proprietor
  • Private practitioner
  • Self-sufficient worker
  • Independent practitioner
  • Own boss
  • Solo professional
  • Individual operator
  • Self-made businessperson
  • Autonomously employed
  • Solo entrepreneur
  • Independent business owner
  • Self-reliant professional
  • Self-running business owner

Want to learn how to say self-employed professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Independent Contractor

Used to describe someone who provides services to different businesses under a contract, rather than being an employee.

Example: “As an independent contractor, she provided marketing consultancy services to several tech startups.”

2. Freelancer

Refers to individuals who work independently on various projects or tasks for different clients.

Example: “He worked as a freelancer, offering his graphic design skills to a range of online businesses.”

3. Sole Proprietor

Describes someone who owns and runs a business alone.

Example: “As a sole proprietor of the café, she was responsible for every aspect of the business.”

4. Business Owner

A general term for someone who owns a business entity.

Example: “The business owner invested significant resources into expanding her retail chain.”

5. Entrepreneur

Used to describe someone who starts and runs their own business, often taking on financial risks.

Example: “The entrepreneur launched a successful tech company focused on renewable energy solutions.”

6. Self-Starter

Refers to someone who is proactive and motivated to begin tasks on their own initiative.

Example: “Being a self-starter, he launched his own online tutoring service.”

7. Independent Professional

Used for professionals who practice their trade independently, rather than as employees of a company.

Example: “As an independent professional, she offered legal consulting services without being tied to any law firm.”

8. Proprietor

Refers to an owner of a business or a holder of a property.

Example: “The proprietor of the bookstore hosted community events to encourage local reading enthusiasts.”

9. Private Practitioner

Used typically in the context of professionals like lawyers, doctors, or consultants who run their own practices.

Example: “She established herself as a private practitioner in psychology.”

10. Self-Sufficient Worker

Describes an individual who is capable of fulfilling their job responsibilities without dependency on a larger organization.

Example: “As a self-sufficient worker, he managed his agricultural business efficiently.”

11. Independent Practitioner

Refers to someone who practices their profession independently.

Example: “The independent practitioner opened her own medical clinic in the rural area.”

12. Own Boss

A colloquial term used to describe someone who runs their own business.

Example: “He enjoyed being his own boss in his freelance writing career.”

13. Solo Professional

Describes a professional working alone, often in fields like law, consulting, or creative arts.

Example: “As a solo professional in web development, she handled all aspects of her projects.”

14. Individual Operator

Refers to someone who operates a business or service independently.

Example: “The individual operator of the food truck was known for his innovative recipes.”

15. Self-Made Businessperson

Describes someone who has built their business independently, often from the ground up.

Example: “The self-made businessperson was recognized for her achievements in the fashion industry.”

16. Autonomously Employed

Refers to being employed through self-organization, independent of external control.

Example: “Autonomously employed, he enjoyed the flexibility to choose his projects.”

17. Solo Entrepreneur

Used for entrepreneurs who start and run their businesses alone.

Example: “The solo entrepreneur was passionate about bringing eco-friendly products to the market.”

18. Independent Business Owner

Describes someone who owns a business and operates it independently.

Example: “As an independent business owner, he valued the ability to make his own strategic decisions.”

19. Self-Reliant Professional

Refers to professionals who rely on their own skills and efforts to sustain their business or career.

Example: “The self-reliant professional built a strong client base through her exceptional consulting services.”

20. Self-Running Business Owner

Describes a business owner who manages all aspects of their business independently.

Example: “The self-running business owner of the local bakery was known for her hands-on approach.”

Linda Brown