What Is Another Way to Say “Walks of Life”?

Looking for synonyms for walks of life? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say walks of life.

  • Social strata
  • Backgrounds
  • Spheres
  • Strata
  • Stations
  • Circles
  • Milieus
  • Realms
  • Domains
  • Echelons
  • Segments
  • Categories
  • Aspects
  • Facets
  • Levels

Want to learn how to say walks of life professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Social Strata

Used to refer to different levels or classes in society.
Example: “Our community program is designed to serve people from all social strata.”

2. Backgrounds

Appropriate for referencing people’s different personal histories or cultures.
Example: “The conference attracted experts with diverse professional backgrounds.”

3. Spheres

Suitable for referring to different areas of society or fields of activity.
Example: “The new policy impacts individuals in various economic spheres.”

4. Strata

Used when talking about different layers or levels within a system or society.
Example: “This educational initiative reaches children from different strata of society.”

5. Stations

Appropriate for denoting different social positions or statuses.
Example: “The charity organization provides assistance regardless of individuals’ social stations.”

6. Circles

Ideal for groups or communities within a larger context, often with common interests.
Example: “The book was popular across different artistic circles.”

7. Milieus

Suitable for referring to social environments or settings.
Example: “The study focuses on the behavioral patterns of individuals in various urban milieus.”

8. Realms

Used for broader areas or domains, often with a metaphorical boundary.
Example: “These technological advancements have implications across multiple realms of industry.”

9. Domains

Appropriate for areas of activity, knowledge, or influence.
Example: “Professionals from different domains of science collaborated on the project.”

10. Echelons

Used for referring to levels or ranks, especially in an organized hierarchy.
Example: “Employees from all echelons of the company participated in the training.”

11. Segments

Suitable for different parts or sections of a society or group.
Example: “The survey captured opinions from various segments of the population.”

12. Categories

Appropriate for distinct types or classes within a broader group.
Example: “The program is aimed at supporting businesses in different industry categories.”

13. Aspects

Used to describe different facets or dimensions of a complex topic or society.
Example: “The research explores different aspects of urban development.”

14. Facets

Ideal for different sides or characteristics of a situation or group.
Example: “The festival celebrated the many facets of cultural heritage.”

15. Levels

Appropriate for denoting different degrees, stages, or positions.
Example: “The campaign addresses environmental issues at multiple levels of government.”

Linda Brown