What Is Another Way to Say “To Summarize”?

Looking for synonyms for to summarize? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say to summarize.

  • Recapitulate
  • Sum up
  • Condense
  • Abstract
  • Synopsize
  • Outline
  • Brief
  • Recap
  • Review
  • Compress
  • Digest
  • Paraphrase
  • Abridge
  • Wrap up
  • Generalize
  • Encapsulate
  • Epitomize
  • Simplify
  • Boil down
  • Restate

Want to learn how to say to summarize professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Recapitulate

Appropriate Use: To summarize or state again the main points of.
Example: “At the end of the meeting, the manager recapitulated the key action items.”

2. Sum up

Appropriate Use: To describe the important facts or characteristics about something briefly.
Example: “Could you sum up the main conclusions of the report?”

3. Condense

Appropriate Use: To make something shorter or more concentrated.
Example: “The document was condensed into a one-page summary for quick review.”

4. Abstract

Appropriate Use: To summarize the main points of a longer piece of writing or speech.
Example: “An abstract of the thesis is available for the committee’s perusal.”

5. Synopsize

Appropriate Use: To provide a brief summary or general survey of something.
Example: “Please synopsize the findings from the recent market analysis.”

6. Outline

Appropriate Use: To give a brief account or summary of something.
Example: “The project proposal should begin with an outline of the background context.”

7. Brief

Appropriate Use: To inform someone thoroughly, especially in preparation for a task.
Example: “She briefed the team on the objectives of the new marketing strategy.”

8. Recap

Appropriate Use: To repeat the main points of an explanation or description.
Example: “At the end of the lecture, the professor provided a quick recap of the key topics.”

9. Review

Appropriate Use: To survey or evaluate a situation or concept.
Example: “Could you review the main points discussed in the last conference call?”

10. Compress

Appropriate Use: To express in a shorter form; to reduce in volume.
Example: “The information was compressed into a brief presentation for the board.”

11. Digest

Appropriate Use: To put information into a form where it is easier to understand or use.
Example: “A digest of the report will be circulated among the team members.”

12. Paraphrase

Appropriate Use: To express the meaning using different words.
Example: “She paraphrased the main arguments of the article for those who hadn’t read it.”

13. Abridge

Appropriate Use: To shorten a piece of writing without losing the essence.
Example: “The novel was abridged for use in schools.”

14. Wrap up

Appropriate Use: To conclude or finish something.
Example: “Let’s wrap up this meeting with a summary of the decisions made.”

15. Generalize

Appropriate Use: To make a general statement by inferring from specific cases.
Example: “In his talk, he generalized the survey results to apply to the broader population.”

16. Encapsulate

Appropriate Use: To express the essential features of something succinctly.
Example: “The mission statement encapsulates the core values and goals of our organization.”

17. Epitomize

Appropriate Use: To be a perfect example of something.
Example: “Her response epitomized the team’s dedication and hard work.”

18. Simplify

Appropriate Use: To make something easier to understand.
Example: “The complex process was simplified in the training materials for new hires.”

19. Boil down

Appropriate Use: To reduce something to its essential elements.
Example: “The proposal was boiled down to its key points for the executive summary.”

20. Restate

Appropriate Use: To say something again or in a different way.
Example: “The speaker restated his main point for emphasis.”

Linda Brown