What Is Another Way to Say “Sucked In”?

Looking for synonyms for sucked in? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say sucked in.

  • Engrossed
  • Absorbed
  • Enthralled
  • Captivated
  • Immersed
  • Mesmerized
  • Fascinated
  • Riveted
  • Enraptured
  • Entranced
  • Spellbound
  • Engulfed
  • Enveloped
  • Drawn in
  • Hooked

Want to learn how to say sucked in professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Engrossed

Appropriate when someone is fully focused on an activity or task.

Example: She was so engrossed in her research that she didn’t notice the time.

2. Absorbed

Suitable for situations where one’s attention is completely taken up by something.

Example: He was absorbed in the complexities of the legal case.

3. Enthralled

Used when someone is captivated by something very interesting or exciting.

Example: The audience was enthralled by the keynote speaker’s vision for the future.

4. Captivated

Appropriate for instances where someone’s interest is strongly held by an event, person, or activity.

Example: The novel’s intricate plot captivated her imagination.

5. Immersed

Suitable for describing deep involvement in a particular activity or subject.

Example: Immersed in the new software development project, the team worked long hours.

6. Mesmerized

Used when someone is so fascinated by something that they cannot pay attention to anything else.

Example: The mesmerizing design of the new app caught everyone’s attention.

7. Fascinated

Appropriate for scenarios where someone is extremely interested in or attracted by something.

Example: He was fascinated by the historical significance of the ancient ruins.

8. Riveted

Used to describe a situation where someone’s attention is fixed firmly on something.

Example: The board members were riveted by the presentation on market trends.

9. Enraptured

Suitable for moments of intense delight or interest.

Example: She was enraptured by the beauty of the art exhibit.

10. Entranced

Used when someone is so captivated by something that they are almost in a trance.

Example: The team was entranced by the innovative solutions proposed by the consultant.

11. Spellbound

Appropriate for situations where someone is completely bewitched or fascinated.

Example: The spellbound audience applauded vigorously after the performance.

12. Engulfed

Suitable for describing being completely surrounded or involved in something.

Example: He felt engulfed by the new culture during his travels.

13. Enveloped

Used when something completely surrounds or covers, often in an abstract sense.

Example: Enveloped in her new study, she spent months at the library.

14. Drawn in

Appropriate for describing the process of becoming interested or involved in something gradually.

Example: As the debate progressed, more participants were drawn in by the compelling arguments.

15. Hooked

Suitable for situations where someone becomes very interested in something quickly.

Example: After the first chapter, she was hooked on the book and couldn’t put it down.

Linda Brown