What Is Another Way to Say “Sold Out”?

Looking for synonyms for sold out? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say sold out.

  • Fully booked
  • No longer available
  • All gone
  • Exhausted
  • Depleted
  • Unavailable
  • Out of stock
  • Off the market
  • Booked up
  • Out of supply
  • No vacancies
  • At capacity
  • Zero inventory
  • Fully committed
  • No seats available

Want to learn how to say sold out professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Fully booked

Used mainly for reservations such as hotels, restaurants, or events.

  • Example: “The conference venue is fully booked, with no rooms available for additional attendees.”

2. No longer available

A broad term used for items or opportunities that are no longer accessible.

  • Example: “The limited-edition sneakers are no longer available, having sold out within minutes.”

3. All gone

Informal expression indicating that nothing is left.

  • Example: “By the time we arrived at the sale, the best deals were all gone.”

4. Exhausted

Refers to supplies or resources being completely used up.

  • Example: “The tickets for the charity gala are exhausted, thanks to high demand.”

5. Depleted

Similar to exhausted, indicating that a resource or supply has been used up.

  • Example: “Stocks of the flu vaccine are depleted at many clinics due to the outbreak.”

6. Unavailable

Indicates that something cannot be accessed or obtained.

  • Example: “The author’s first novel is currently unavailable in most bookstores.”

7. Out of stock

Specifically refers to goods that are not currently available for sale.

  • Example: “This model of laptop is out of stock due to its popularity.”

8. Off the market

Indicates that something is no longer for sale, often used for real estate.

  • Example: “The house you were interested in is off the market; it sold last week.”

9. Booked up

Used for services or events where all slots or reservations are taken.

  • Example: “The hotel is booked up for the holiday weekend.”

10. Out of supply

Indicates a lack of availability due to supply issues.

  • Example: “The pharmacy is out of supply of the medication due to manufacturing delays.”

11. No vacancies

Specifically used in the context of accommodations being fully occupied.

  • Example: “We have no vacancies at the inn until next month.”

12. At capacity

Refers to a venue or service that has reached its maximum occupancy or ability to accommodate more.

  • Example: “The seminar is at capacity, with no room for additional participants.”

13. Zero inventory

Used in retail or warehousing to indicate that no products are left in stock.

  • Example: “The store has zero inventory of the product due to unexpected demand.”

14. Fully committed

Indicates that all available resources, spaces, or opportunities have been allocated.

  • Example: “The designer is fully committed for the season and cannot take on new clients.”

15. No seats available

Used for events or transportation where all seating has been booked.

  • Example: “There are no seats available on the flight to New York this Friday.”

Linda Brown