What Is Another Way to Say “Seems Like”?

Looking for synonyms for seems like? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say seems like.

  • Appears to be
  • Looks like
  • Gives the impression of
  • Comes across as
  • Resembles
  • Strikes me as
  • Suggests
  • Mirrors
  • Echoes
  • Feels like

Want to learn how to say seems like professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Appears to be

Appropriate Use: Formal and neutral, suitable for professional or academic contexts.
Example: The data appears to be indicating a positive trend in sales.

2. Looks like

Appropriate Use: Informal and commonly used in casual professional settings.
Example: It looks like the team has successfully met their quarterly targets.

3. Gives the impression of

Appropriate Use: More formal and analytical, ideal for detailed observations or reports.
Example: The report gives the impression of a significant improvement in customer satisfaction.

4. Comes across as

Appropriate Use: Suitable for describing perceptions or interpretations in a somewhat informal manner.
Example: The new policy comes across as more user-friendly than the previous one.

5. Resembles

Appropriate Use: Formal and precise, used when drawing parallels or comparisons.
Example: The marketing strategy resembles the approach used by leading industry players.

6. Strikes me as

Appropriate Use: Informal and personal, indicating a subjective opinion or observation.
Example: The solution strikes me as the most cost-effective option available.

7. Suggests

Appropriate Use: Neutral and formal, commonly used in academic or professional analysis.
Example: The preliminary data suggests an emerging market trend.

8. Mirrors

Appropriate Use: Formal and metaphorical, used to indicate a strong similarity.
Example: The company’s growth trajectory mirrors that of its main competitor.

9. Echoes

Appropriate Use: Formal and literary, suitable for emphasizing a repetition or similarity in ideas or trends.
Example: The CEO’s statement echoes the sentiments expressed in the annual report.

10. Feels like

Appropriate Use: Informal and subjective, used for expressing a personal perception or intuitive judgment.
Example: It feels like we are moving in the right direction with this project.

Linda Brown