What Is Another Way to Say “Previously Mentioned”?

Looking for synonyms for previously mentioned? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say previously mentioned.

  • Aforementioned
  • Aforesaid
  • Above-mentioned
  • Foregoing
  • Prior mentioned
  • Previously stated
  • Earlier mentioned
  • Mentioned earlier
  • Preceding
  • Former
  • Already stated
  • Previously referred to
  • Prior referenced
  • Antecedent
  • Precedently mentioned

Want to learn how to say previously mentioned professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Aforementioned

Appropriate Use: Suitable for referring back to something already mentioned in a text or conversation.
Example: “The aforementioned strategy will be implemented in the next fiscal quarter.”

2. Aforesaid

Appropriate Use: Best for legal or formal contexts to refer to something previously mentioned.
Example: “The aforesaid terms and conditions are applicable to all participants of the program.”

3. Above-Mentioned

Appropriate Use: Ideal for pointing to something mentioned earlier in a document.
Example: “The project plan outlines the responsibilities of the above-mentioned team members.”

4. Foregoing

Appropriate Use: Suitable for referring to what has been said or written in the immediate preceding part of a text.
Example: “In light of the foregoing evidence, the committee has decided to approve the proposal.”

5. Prior Mentioned

Appropriate Use: Used to refer back to something that was mentioned before in a discussion or text.
Example: “The prior mentioned challenges were addressed in the last team meeting.”

6. Previously Stated

Appropriate Use: Best for referring to something stated earlier in the conversation or document.
Example: “As previously stated, the project deadlines will remain unchanged.”

7. Earlier Mentioned

Appropriate Use: Ideal for pointing to something mentioned earlier in the context.
Example: “The earlier mentioned marketing strategies will be reviewed in today’s meeting.”

8. Mentioned Earlier

Appropriate Use: Suitable for referring back to something that was mentioned earlier in the text.
Example: “The solutions mentioned earlier will be evaluated for feasibility.”

9. Preceding

Appropriate Use: Used to refer to something immediately before the current point in the text or conversation.
Example: “The preceding chapter provides a comprehensive review of the theoretical framework.”

10. Former

Appropriate Use: Ideal for referring to the first of two things mentioned in a text.
Example: “Of the two options, the former seems more viable for our current budget.”

11. Already Stated

Appropriate Use: Suitable for emphasizing that something has been mentioned before.
Example: “The benefits of this approach have already been stated in the introductory section.”

12. Previously Referred To

Appropriate Use: Best for indicating a reference made earlier to a particular subject or point.
Example: “The business model previously referred to is outlined in Appendix A.”

13. Prior Referenced

Appropriate Use: Used for highlighting something that was referenced earlier in the text.
Example: “The prior referenced study highlights the need for more research in this area.”

14. Antecedent

Appropriate Use: Suitable in formal writings to refer to something that was mentioned before.
Example: “The antecedent arguments form the basis for the ensuing discussion.”

15. Precedently Mentioned

Appropriate Use: Ideal for academic or formal writing, referring to something mentioned before.
Example: “This theory aligns with the precedently mentioned concepts in contemporary literature.”

Linda Brown