What Is Another Way to Say “Poor Quality”?

Looking for synonyms for poor quality? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say poor quality.

  • Substandard
  • Inferior
  • Low-grade
  • Shoddy
  • Mediocre
  • Deficient
  • Unsatisfactory
  • Second-rate
  • Below par
  • Subpar
  • Third-rate
  • Low-quality
  • Inadequate
  • Faulty
  • Suboptimal

Want to learn how to say poor quality professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Substandard

When to use: Use “Substandard” to describe something that fails to meet the required or expected standards.
Example: “The construction materials supplied were of substandard quality, leading to safety concerns.”

2. Inferior

When to use: “Inferior” is suitable for describing something that is lower in quality compared to others.
Example: “The product’s performance was inferior to its competitors in the market.”

3. Low-grade

When to use: Use “Low-grade” when referring to something that is of poor or lesser quality.
Example: “Low-grade materials were used in the manufacturing of these products, affecting their durability.”

4. Shoddy

When to use: “Shoddy” is appropriate for something that is badly made or carelessly done.
Example: “The report was shoddy, with numerous errors and incomplete analysis.”

5. Mediocre

When to use: Use “Mediocre” to describe something of only average or moderate quality; not very good.
Example: “The service at the hotel was mediocre, certainly not up to the expected standard.”

6. Deficient

When to use: “Deficient” is suitable for something that is lacking in quality or quantity.
Example: “The deficient design of the software made it difficult to use effectively.”

7. Unsatisfactory

When to use: Use “Unsatisfactory” to describe something that does not meet the expected or desired standards.
Example: “The audit results were unsatisfactory, indicating several areas of non-compliance.”

8. Second-rate

When to use: “Second-rate” is used for something considered to be of lower quality or less value.
Example: “The materials used in this batch of products are second-rate, not what we usually expect.”

9. Below Par

When to use: Use “Below Par” to describe something that is below the standard or average level.
Example: “The recent performance of the team has been below par compared to previous quarters.”

10. Subpar

When to use: “Subpar” is appropriate for something that is below an average level or standard.
Example: “The project’s progress has been subpar and needs immediate attention.”

11. Third-rate

When to use: Use “Third-rate” to describe something that is of very poor quality.
Example: “The third-rate equipment is causing frequent production delays.”

12. Low-quality

When to use: “Low-quality” is suitable for describing something that does not meet the standards of high quality.
Example: “These are low-quality components and not suitable for our high-end product line.”

13. Inadequate

When to use: Use “Inadequate” when something is insufficient or not good enough.
Example: “The inadequate safety measures led to a hazardous work environment.”

14. Faulty

When to use: “Faulty” is appropriate for something that has flaws, defects, or imperfections.
Example: “The machine was recalled due to faulty wiring that posed a fire risk.”

15. Suboptimal

When to use: Use “Suboptimal” to describe something that is below the best or desired standard.
Example: “The suboptimal performance of the new software system has led to workflow inefficiencies.”

Linda Brown