What Is Another Way to Say “Poor Condition”?

Looking for synonyms for poor condition? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say poor condition.

  • Dilapidated
  • Run-down
  • Decrepit
  • Derelict
  • Worn-out
  • Tattered
  • Neglected
  • Shabby
  • In disrepair
  • Deteriorated
  • Ramshackle
  • Crumbling
  • Failing
  • Rundown
  • Weathered

Want to learn how to say poor condition professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Dilapidated

Used to describe a building or object that is in a state of disrepair or ruin as a result of age or neglect.

  • Example: The once majestic mansion now stood dilapidated, its walls covered in ivy and windows shattered.

2. Run-down

Refers to something that is in very poor condition, typically due to neglect or overuse.

  • Example: The run-down playground was a sad sight, with rusted swings and faded paint.

3. Decrepit

Describes something worn out or ruined because of age or neglect.

  • Example: The decrepit bridge was deemed unsafe for vehicles and pedestrians alike.

4. Derelict

Refers to buildings or property in a very poor condition because of disuse and abandonment.

  • Example: The derelict warehouse became a canvas for graffiti artists.

5. Worn-out

Used to describe something that is excessively used and no longer in a functional or good condition.

  • Example: His worn-out shoes were a testament to the miles he had traveled.

6. Tattered

Describes items, especially fabric or paper, that are old and torn.

  • Example: The flag, tattered after years of flying, was finally replaced on Independence Day.

7. Neglected

Refers to something not receiving proper care or maintenance.

  • Example: The neglected garden was overgrown with weeds and dead plants.

8. Shabby

Describes something in poor condition through long use or lack of care.

  • Example: The shabby furniture in the hotel lobby made a bad first impression on guests.

9. In disrepair

Used to describe a condition where something is damaged or broken, needing repair.

  • Example: The roof, in disrepair, leaked whenever it rained, causing further damage to the home.

10. Deteriorated

Refers to something that has become progressively worse in condition or quality.

  • Example: The building’s facade had deteriorated over the years, losing much of its original charm.

11. Ramshackle

Describes a structure in a state of severe disrepair.

  • Example: The ramshackle cottage looked as though it might collapse at any moment.

12. Crumbling

Used to describe something that is breaking apart or deteriorating slowly over time.

  • Example: The ancient walls were crumbling, with stones falling away with the slightest touch.

13. Failing

Refers to a condition where something is weakening or becoming less effective.

  • Example: The failing infrastructure of the city was a major concern for its residents.

14. Rundown

Similar to run-down, emphasizing a neglected and deteriorated state.

  • Example: The once bustling shopping district now looked rundown, with many closed stores.

15. Weathered

Describes something that has been worn by exposure to the weather but can imply a sense of survival or resilience.

  • Example: The weathered statue in the park stood as a reminder of the city’s history and endurance.

Linda Brown