What Is Another Way to Say “Over It”?

Looking for synonyms for over it? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say over it.

  • Fed up
  • Tired of it
  • Done with it
  • Sick of it
  • Disenchanted
  • Disillusioned
  • Exasperated
  • Bored with it
  • Uninterested
  • Disinterested
  • Indifferent
  • Weary of it
  • Disgusted
  • Frustrated
  • Had enough

Want to learn how to say over it professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Fed Up

Appropriate Use: Suitable for expressing frustration or annoyance with a situation that has become intolerable.
Example: “She was fed up with the constant delays in the project timeline.”

2. Tired of It

Appropriate Use: Best for situations where someone is exhausted or bored by a continuous issue.
Example: “He’s tired of the bureaucratic processes slowing down every initiative.”

3. Done With It

Appropriate Use: Ideal for expressing a decision to stop engaging with a frustrating or unproductive situation.
Example: “After several unsuccessful attempts to change the policy, I’m just done with it.”

4. Sick of It

Appropriate Use: Used to express intense annoyance or frustration with something.
Example: “The team is sick of it; the constant changes in requirements are overwhelming.”

5. Disenchanted

Appropriate Use: Suitable for situations where someone has lost faith or interest in something once believed in or valued.
Example: “She became disenchanted with the company’s culture, which seemed at odds with her values.”

6. Disillusioned

Appropriate Use: Best for expressing a feeling of disappointment in discovering that something is not as good as it was believed to be.
Example: “He’s disillusioned with the management’s promises that never materialize into action.”

7. Exasperated

Appropriate Use: Ideal for describing a feeling of intense irritation or annoyance.
Example: “The constant indecision of the leadership team left the employees exasperated.”

8. Bored With It

Appropriate Use: Suitable for describing a lack of interest or excitement about something that was once engaging.
Example: “I’m bored with these routine tasks that offer no challenge or learning.”

9. Uninterested

Appropriate Use: Used when someone shows no interest or concern in something.
Example: “After several years in the same role, she became uninterested in her work.”

10. Disinterested

Appropriate Use: Ideal for situations where someone is not influenced by considerations of personal advantage, showing impartiality.
Example: “As a disinterested party, his feedback on the dispute was valued for its objectivity.”

11. Indifferent

Appropriate Use: Suitable for expressing a lack of interest, concern, or sympathy.
Example: “The management seems indifferent to the high turnover rate in the department.”

12. Weary of It

Appropriate Use: Best for situations where someone is physically or mentally exhausted by something.
Example: “The constant conflict within the team left her weary of it.”

13. Disgusted

Appropriate Use: Used to express a strong distaste or disapproval.
Example: “He was disgusted by the unethical practices he observed in the company.”

14. Frustrated

Appropriate Use: Ideal for describing a feeling of dissatisfaction, often from unfulfilled needs or unresolved problems.
Example: “She felt frustrated by the lack of clear direction and support in her role.”

15. Had Enough

Appropriate Use: Suitable for expressing reaching a limit of tolerance or capacity.
Example: “They’ve had enough of the unreliable IT infrastructure causing daily disruptions.”

Linda Brown