What Is Another Way to Say “Not Like”?

Looking for synonyms for not like? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say not like.

  • Dissimilar
  • Unlike
  • Different
  • Distinct
  • Unalike
  • Unresembling
  • Divergent
  • Disparate
  • Nonidentical
  • Contrasting
  • Incomparable
  • Unsimilar
  • Variant
  • Discrepant
  • Non-akin

Want to learn how to say not like professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Dissimilar

When to use: To emphasize a lack of resemblance or similarity between two or more things.
Example: “The two studies are dissimilar in their methodology and focus areas.”

2. Unlike

When to use: Suitable for drawing a contrast between two or more entities or situations.
Example: “Unlike the previous model, the new version features enhanced security protocols.”

3. Different

When to use: A general term for indicating that two or more things are not the same.
Example: “The software offers different features depending on the subscription level.”

4. Distinct

When to use: To describe two or more things as clearly separate and different from each other.
Example: “The company operates in two distinct markets, each with its own set of challenges.”

5. Unalike

When to use: Similar to dissimilar, but often used in a less formal context.
Example: “The two managers have unalike approaches to team leadership.”

6. Unresembling

When to use: For emphasizing a strong lack of similarity or resemblance.
Example: “The counterfeit product was unresembling the original in quality and design.”

7. Divergent

When to use: Suitable for describing paths, opinions, or methods that are moving or extending in different directions from a common point.
Example: “The project team had divergent views on the best approach to take, leading to a brainstorming session.”

8. Disparate

When to use: To highlight a fundamental difference and lack of comparability between two or more elements.
Example: “The study draws on data from disparate sources to ensure a comprehensive analysis.”

9. Nonidentical

When to use: Indicates that two or more items are not exactly the same in every detail.
Example: “Although the products appear similar, they are nonidentical in terms of features.”

10. Contrasting

When to use: Suitable for highlighting the differences in comparison between two or more items.
Example: “The report outlines the contrasting strategies of leading companies in the industry.”

11. Incomparable

When to use: Used when two or more items cannot be fairly compared because of their unique qualities.
Example: “The new technology is incomparable to existing solutions, offering unprecedented efficiency.”

12. Unsimilar

When to use: Another way to state that things are not similar to each other.
Example: “The outcomes of the experiments were unsimilar, suggesting variable factors at play.”

13. Variant

When to use: Describes something that is a different form or version from the original.
Example: “The company is testing a variant of the product aimed at a new market segment.”

14. Discrepant

When to use: Indicates a disagreement or inconsistency between two or more facts or figures.
Example: “The financial report showed discrepant figures that required further investigation.”

15. Non-akin

When to use: To emphasize that things are not related or similar in nature or characteristics.
Example: “The two theories are non-akin, each originating from different scientific disciplines.”

Linda Brown