What Is Another Way to Say “Not Happy”?

Looking for synonyms for not happy? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say not happy.

  • Unhappy
  • Discontented
  • Dissatisfied
  • Unpleased
  • Displeased
  • Miserable
  • Downcast
  • Unfulfilled
  • Melancholic
  • Disgruntled
  • Sorrowful
  • Despondent
  • Gloomy
  • Dejected
  • Dismayed
  • Forlorn
  • Morose
  • Crestfallen
  • Glum
  • Woeful

Want to learn how to say not happy professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Unhappy

Appropriate Use: A general term for feeling sad or displeased.
Example: “She was unhappy with the outcome of the meeting.”

2. Discontented

Appropriate Use: Feeling dissatisfied with one’s circumstances.
Example: “The employees were discontented with the new policy changes.”

3. Dissatisfied

Appropriate Use: Not satisfied or pleased with a situation.
Example: “He was dissatisfied with the project’s slow progress.”

4. Unpleased

Appropriate Use: Not pleased or content with something.
Example: “The manager was unpleased with the quarterly sales figures.”

5. Displeased

Appropriate Use: Feeling irritation or annoyance.
Example: “The client was displeased with the delay in delivery.”

6. Miserable

Appropriate Use: Extremely unhappy or uncomfortable.
Example: “The team felt miserable after losing the major contract.”

7. Downcast

Appropriate Use: Feeling despondent or disheartened.
Example: “The downcast expression on her face revealed her disappointment.”

8. Unfulfilled

Appropriate Use: Not feeling satisfied or happy because one’s ambitions or desires have not been achieved.
Example: “He felt unfulfilled in his current role and was seeking new challenges.”

9. Melancholic

Appropriate Use: Characterized by deep sadness or gloominess.
Example: “The news of the company’s closure left the employees in a melancholic mood.”

10. Disgruntled

Appropriate Use: Discontented and dissatisfied, often showing irritation.
Example: “The team was disgruntled over the lack of recognition for their hard work.”

11. Sorrowful

Appropriate Use: Feeling or showing sadness.
Example: “The sorrowful news of the team leader’s resignation spread through the office.”

12. Despondent

Appropriate Use: Feeling a loss of hope or confidence.
Example: “After the failed product launch, the marketing team was despondent.”

13. Gloomy

Appropriate Use: Feeling pessimistic or having a sense of hopelessness.
Example: “The gloomy economic forecast affected the entire industry.”

14. Dejected

Appropriate Use: Feeling sad and dispirited.
Example: “She felt dejected after her proposal was rejected.”

15. Dismayed

Appropriate Use: Feeling concern and distress.
Example: “The employees were dismayed by the sudden changes in management.”

16. Forlorn

Appropriate Use: Feeling pitifully sad and abandoned or lonely.
Example: “His forlorn appearance at the conference reflected his professional struggles.”

17. Morose

Appropriate Use: Sullen, ill-tempered, and gloomy.
Example: “His morose demeanor during the meeting was noticeable.”

18. Crestfallen

Appropriate Use: Sad and disappointed.
Example: “The team was crestfallen after their project was not selected for funding.”

19. Glum

Appropriate Use: Looking or feeling dejected.
Example: “The glum faces in the room indicated that the news was not good.”

20. Woeful

Appropriate Use: Characterized by sadness or misery.
Example: “The woeful performance of the company this quarter led to serious discussions about changes.”

Linda Brown