What Is Another Way to Say “Not Good Enough”?

Looking for synonyms for not good enough? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say not good enough.

  • Insufficient
  • Inadequate
  • Substandard
  • Deficient
  • Unacceptable
  • Lacking
  • Inferior
  • Unsatisfactory
  • Incomplete
  • Mediocre
  • Wanting
  • Below par
  • Incompetent
  • Underwhelming
  • Not up to scratch

Want to learn how to say not good enough professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Insufficient

Used when something does not meet a necessary amount, level, or standard.
Example: “The funding provided was insufficient to cover all the project expenses.”

2. Inadequate

Appropriate for describing something that is not sufficient or satisfactory in quality or quantity.
Example: “The team’s response to the client’s request was inadequate and needed improvement.”

3. Substandard

Used to describe something that is below the standard expected.
Example: “The substandard materials used in the construction led to multiple issues.”

4. Deficient

Suitable for describing a lack or shortfall in a necessary quality or element.
Example: “The report was deficient in detailed analysis and required more data.”

5. Unacceptable

Used to describe a situation, behavior, or result that is not satisfactory or tolerable.
Example: “The delay in the project delivery was deemed unacceptable by the management.”

6. Lacking

Appropriate for describing something that is missing or deficient in a certain quality.
Example: “The proposal was lacking in clarity and depth.”

7. Inferior

Used to describe something that is of lower quality or standard.
Example: “The competitor’s product is inferior to ours in terms of durability.”

8. Unsatisfactory

Suitable for something that does not meet the required standards or expectations.
Example: “The employee’s performance this quarter has been unsatisfactory.”

9. Incomplete

Used to describe something that is not fully finished or lacks some parts or aspects.
Example: “The application submitted was incomplete and lacked essential documents.”

10. Mediocre

Appropriate for something that is of only average quality and not very good.
Example: “The overall results of the campaign were mediocre and did not meet our targets.”

11. Wanting

Used to indicate that something is lacking or deficient in a specific quality or aspect.
Example: “The software’s security features are wanting and need upgrading.”

12. Below par

Suitable for something that is below the usual or expected standard.
Example: “The sales figures for this quarter are below par and require immediate attention.”

13. Incompetent

Used to describe a lack of ability or skill to do something successfully.
Example: “The handling of the crisis was incompetent and worsened the situation.”

14. Underwhelming

Appropriate for something that is less impressive or less effective than expected.
Example: “The new product launch was underwhelming and failed to excite the market.”

15. Not up to Scratch

Used to describe something that fails to meet a particular standard.
Example: “The design of the website is not up to scratch and needs to be revised.”

Linda Brown