What Is Another Way to Say “Non-Human”?

Looking for synonyms for non-human? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say non-human.

  • Inanimate
  • Animal
  • Artificial
  • Synthetic
  • Mechanical
  • Robotic
  • Alien
  • Non-living
  • Non-biological
  • Automated
  • Machine
  • Computer-generated
  • Virtual
  • Cybernetic
  • Non-sentient

Want to learn how to say non-human professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Inanimate

Use “inanimate” to describe objects that are not alive and do not move by themselves.

  • Example: The room was filled with inanimate objects, including statues and paintings.

2. Animal

“Animal” refers to all living organisms that are not human, emphasizing the distinction between human beings and other living creatures.

  • Example: The new conservation area is home to a wide variety of animal species.

3. Artificial

Use “artificial” for objects or entities made by humans rather than occurring naturally, especially to mimic something natural.

  • Example: The researchers are developing artificial tissues for medical implants.

4. Synthetic

“Synthetic” describes materials or substances made through chemical process, often to imitate natural products.

  • Example: The company produces synthetic rubber for various industrial applications.

5. Mechanical

Use “mechanical” to describe devices or systems that operate through mechanical means, involving physical parts rather than electronic or digital components.

  • Example: The engineer is an expert in designing mechanical systems for manufacturing.

6. Robotic

“Robotic” refers to machines capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically, especially programmable by a computer.

  • Example: Robotic arms are used extensively in the automobile assembly line for precision tasks.

7. Alien

Use “alien” to describe beings from another planet or extraterrestrial environments.

  • Example: Scientists continue to search for evidence of alien life forms in the universe.

8. Non-living

“Non-living” describes objects or things that do not possess life.

  • Example: Both living and non-living elements are essential components of an ecosystem.

9. Non-biological

Use “non-biological” for substances or materials not derived from living organisms.

  • Example: The experiment involves both biological and non-biological catalysts.

10. Automated

“Automated” refers to systems or processes operated automatically, often through computer control.

  • Example: The company has invested in an automated inventory management system.

11. Machine

Use “machine” to describe a device that uses energy to perform a particular task.

  • Example: The factory uses a machine for bottling and packaging its products.

12. Computer-generated

“Computer-generated” is used for images, sounds, or other outputs that are created or manipulated by computers.

  • Example: The film featured computer-generated imagery for its spectacular visual effects.

13. Virtual

Use “virtual” to describe something that exists in software or is carried out by software simulations, not physically existing.

  • Example: The team collaborates through a virtual office platform.

14. Cybernetic

“Cybernetic” describes systems, especially automatic control systems, that involve both mechanical and electronic components.

  • Example: The scientist specializes in cybernetic prosthetics to enhance human capabilities.

15. Non-sentient

Use “non-sentient” to describe entities that do not have consciousness or the capacity to perceive or feel.

  • Example: The debate over AI revolves around the question of creating non-sentient versus sentient beings.

Linda Brown