What Is Another Way to Say “Nearly Impossible”?

Looking for synonyms for nearly impossible? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say nearly impossible.

  • Virtually impossible
  • Practically impossible
  • Almost impossible
  • Extremely unlikely
  • Highly improbable
  • Barely possible
  • Next to impossible
  • All but impossible
  • Nigh impossible
  • Borderline impossible
  • Just shy of impossible
  • Hardly possible
  • Scarcely possible
  • Faintly possible
  • Marginally possible

Want to learn how to say nearly impossible professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Virtually Impossible

Use “virtually impossible” to describe a situation that is so unlikely it can almost be considered not possible at all.

  • Example: Given the current technology, achieving faster-than-light travel is virtually impossible.

2. Practically Impossible

“Practically impossible” is suitable for situations where, for all practical purposes, achieving a goal is impossible due to existing limitations.

  • Example: Without significant financial backing, launching a competitive new product in the saturated market is practically impossible.

3. Almost Impossible

Use “almost impossible” when something is very close to being impossible, though not entirely out of reach.

  • Example: Climbing Mount Everest without any prior experience is almost impossible.

4. Extremely Unlikely

“Extremely unlikely” is appropriate for situations where there is a very small chance of something happening.

  • Example: It’s extremely unlikely that we will see any significant return on that investment within the first year.

5. Highly Improbable

Use “highly improbable” to describe scenarios where the likelihood of occurrence is very low.

  • Example: Discovering a fully intact dinosaur skeleton in this region is highly improbable.

6. Barely Possible

“Barely possible” implies that something can just about be achieved, but only with great difficulty.

  • Example: Completing the project by the deadline is barely possible and would require round-the-clock work.

7. Next to Impossible

Use “next to impossible” for situations where the difficulty of achieving something is so great that it is almost impossible.

  • Example: Finding a solution that satisfies all stakeholders is next to impossible.

8. All but Impossible

“All but impossible” suggests that something is so close to being impossible that the distinction is negligible.

  • Example: Given the severe constraints, changing the event venue at the last minute is all but impossible.

9. Nigh Impossible

“Nigh impossible” is a more poetic way of saying that something is nearly impossible.

  • Example: Winning against a team with such a strong record is nigh impossible.

10. Borderline Impossible

Use “borderline impossible” to describe a task or achievement that is so difficult it is almost not possible.

  • Example: Passing the final exam without attending the course or studying is borderline impossible.

11. Just Shy of Impossible

“Just shy of impossible” suggests that while something is not completely impossible, it is very close to being so.

  • Example: Completing the marathon without any prior training is just shy of impossible.

12. Hardly Possible

Use “hardly possible” when something is possible in theory, but extremely unlikely in practice.

  • Example: It’s hardly possible to learn a new language fluently in just one month.

13. Scarcely Possible

“Scarcely possible” is suitable for situations where there is a very slim chance of something happening.

  • Example: It’s scarcely possible to cover all the material before the exam given the limited study time available.

14. Faintly Possible

Use “faintly possible” to indicate that while there’s a slight chance something could happen, it’s very unlikely.

  • Example: It’s faintly possible that we might see a minor improvement in sales before the end of the quarter.

15. Marginally Possible

“Marginally possible” implies that something is barely possible, with only a minimal chance of success.

  • Example: With our current resources, launching the new initiative by the proposed date is marginally possible.

Linda Brown