What Is Another Way to Say “Meeting Point”?

Looking for synonyms for meeting point? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say meeting point.

  • Rendezvous
  • Junction
  • Confluence
  • Intersection
  • Gathering place
  • Assembly point
  • Hub
  • Crossroads
  • Converging point
  • Focal point
  • Nexus
  • Rallying point
  • Common ground
  • Link-up point
  • Meeting place

Want to learn how to say meeting point professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Rendezvous

Appropriate for a predetermined meeting place, often in a social or informal context.
Example: “Let’s set our rendezvous at the coffee shop near the office.”

2. Junction

Used when referring to a place where two or more paths meet, often in a transport or travel context.
Example: “The team agreed the junction outside the train station would be our meeting point.”

3. Confluence

Ideal for describing a meeting point where ideas, cultures, or paths merge.
Example: “The conference room on the fifth floor will be the confluence for our brainstorming sessions.”

4. Intersection

Used for locations where streets, avenues, or paths cross each other.
Example: “We’ll meet at the intersection of Main St. and 2nd Ave. before heading to the client’s office.”

5. Gathering Place

A broad term suitable for any location where people assemble for a purpose.
Example: “The lobby will serve as our gathering place before we start the office tour.”

6. Assembly Point

Often used in an emergency or evacuation context to denote a safe location for gathering.
Example: “In case of an alarm, the designated assembly point is in the parking lot.”

7. Hub

Suggests a central or focal point, often bustling with activity.
Example: “Our hub for the project meetings will be the main conference room.”

8. Crossroads

Can denote a crucial or pivotal meeting place, sometimes metaphorically.
Example: “The upcoming workshop is a crossroads for our team’s strategic planning.”

9. Converging Point

Ideal for locations where different groups or elements come together.
Example: “The exhibition center will be the converging point for all regional managers.”

10. Focal Point

Used to describe a central or primary location for gathering or attention.
Example: “The atrium has been chosen as the focal point for our product launch event.”

11. Nexus

Suitable for a key central location where ideas or paths intersect.
Example: “Our office’s cafeteria will be the nexus for the casual meet-and-greet session.”

12. Rallying Point

Often used metaphorically for a place where people gather, especially to unite for a cause or purpose.
Example: “The auditorium will serve as the rallying point for our annual employee meeting.”

13. Common Ground

Used to describe a place where individuals with different backgrounds or ideas meet.
Example: “We need to find a common ground for our interdepartmental meetings.”

Appropriate for a place where people or groups join together, often in a coordination or logistics context.
Example: “The parking area will be our link-up point before we head to the construction site.”

15. Meeting Place

A general term for any location where a meeting is arranged.
Example: “The meeting place for our quarterly review will be in the boardroom on the third floor.”

Linda Brown