What Is Another Way to Say “Make Better”?

Looking for synonyms for make better? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say make better.

  • Improve
  • Enhance
  • Upgrade
  • Refine
  • Optimize
  • Elevate
  • Advance
  • Amend
  • Boost
  • Enrich
  • Fortify
  • Amplify
  • Perfect
  • Develop
  • Augment
  • Strengthen
  • Revitalize
  • Innovate
  • Renovate
  • Revamp

Want to learn how to say make better professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Improve

Used in contexts emphasizing overall quality or performance enhancement. Appropriate in business, technology, and personal skill development.

Example: “We need to improve our customer service to enhance client satisfaction.”

2. Enhance

Ideal for situations where specific attributes or features are being made more attractive or effective.

Example: “Enhancing the software’s user interface will make it more appealing to our clients.”

3. Upgrade

Appropriate in technological or systematic contexts, where a version or model is being replaced with a superior one.

Example: “Upgrading our server infrastructure will significantly increase processing speeds.”

4. Refine

Used when making small, precise improvements, often in a professional or artistic context.

Example: “Refining our marketing strategy could yield better engagement rates.”

5. Optimize

Best suited for processes or systems where efficiency or performance is being maximized.

Example: “Optimizing the workflow will lead to increased productivity and lower costs.”

6. Elevate

Appropriate when lifting something to a higher standard or level, often used in a metaphorical sense.

Example: “Elevating our brand image is crucial to attracting premium clients.”

7. Advance

Used in contexts of progress or moving forward, especially in careers, technology, or research.

Example: “Advancing our research methods will ensure more accurate results.”

8. Amend

Suitable for making minor changes, often in documents, policies, or plans.

Example: “Amending the company policy will address the recent changes in regulations.”

9. Boost

Ideal for scenarios where a significant increase or enhancement is needed, often in sales, morale, or performance.

Example: “Implementing a new sales strategy will boost our quarterly revenues.”

10. Enrich

Used when adding value or quality to something, often in educational or cultural contexts.

Example: “Enriching our training program will enhance employees’ skills and job satisfaction.”

11. Fortify

Appropriate in strengthening or making something more secure, often used in finance or security.

Example: “Fortifying our cybersecurity measures is essential for protecting client data.”

12. Amplify

Ideal for increasing the volume, intensity, or extent of something, often used in marketing or advocacy.

Example: “Amplifying our social media presence will increase our brand’s visibility.”

13. Perfect

Used when making something flawless or as good as it can be, often in quality control or artistic endeavors.

Example: “Perfecting our product design will give us a competitive edge in the market.”

14. Develop

Appropriate for broader growth or expansion, often in personal skills, businesses, or technologies.

Example: “Developing a new line of eco-friendly products will expand our market reach.”

15. Augment

Used for adding to something to make it better or more effective, often in capacities or resources.

Example: “Augmenting our team with experienced professionals will enhance project outcomes.”

16. Strengthen

Ideal in contexts of making something more powerful or resilient, often in organizational structures or physical materials.

Example: “Strengthening our partnership with key suppliers will stabilize our supply chain.”

17. Revitalize

Appropriate for bringing new energy or life to something, often used in business turnarounds or urban development.

Example: “Revitalizing our brand strategy will reengage our core audience.”

18. Innovate

Used in contexts of introducing new ideas or methods, often in technology, business, or creative fields.

Example: “Innovating our product development process will keep us ahead of competitors.”

19. Renovate

Suitable for making major improvements to something existing, often in infrastructure or real estate.

Example: “Renovating the office space will create a more inviting work environment.”

20. Revamp

Ideal for making significant changes or overhauls, often in systems, policies, or products.

Example: “Revamping our training curriculum will better align with industry standards.”

Linda Brown