What Is Another Way to Say “Low Energy”?

Looking for synonyms for low energy? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say low energy.

  • Lethargic
  • Fatigued
  • Weary
  • Listless
  • Sluggish
  • Exhausted
  • Tired
  • Enervated
  • Drained
  • Lackadaisical
  • Drowsy
  • Sleepy
  • Worn out
  • Langourous
  • Sapped
  • Flagging
  • Depleted
  • Unenergetic
  • Apathetic
  • Spent

Want to learn how to say low energy professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Lethargic

Appropriate Usage: Describes a state of sluggishness or lack of energy.
Example: The team felt lethargic after the long and unproductive meeting.

2. Fatigued

Appropriate Usage: Used for physical or mental weariness due to exertion.
Example: Continuous overtime work left the staff feeling deeply fatigued.

3. Weary

Appropriate Usage: Describes a feeling of tiredness or lack of energy, often from prolonged stress.
Example: After months of intense project deadlines, the team was visibly weary.

4. Listless

Appropriate Usage: Refers to a lack of energy or enthusiasm.
Example: The employee appeared listless during the training session, showing little interest.

5. Sluggish

Appropriate Usage: Describes slow-moving or lacking in energy.
Example: The sluggish response from the support team impacted customer satisfaction.

6. Exhausted

Appropriate Usage: Used for extreme tiredness, either physical or mental.
Example: The researchers were exhausted after completing the extensive field study.

7. Tired

Appropriate Usage: A general term for feeling in need of rest or sleep.
Example: The manager admitted she was too tired to make any major decisions that day.

8. Enervated

Appropriate Usage: Describes feeling drained of energy or vitality.
Example: The prolonged negotiations left the team feeling enervated and demotivated.

9. Drained

Appropriate Usage: Used when one is very tired and devoid of energy.
Example: After the week-long audit, the finance team felt completely drained.

10. Lackadaisical

Appropriate Usage: Describes a lack of enthusiasm or determination, often due to low energy.
Example: The lackadaisical attitude in the morning meetings was affecting team productivity.

11. Drowsy

Appropriate Usage: Refers to feeling sleepy or needing sleep.
Example: The drowsy intern struggled to focus on the detailed data analysis.

12. Sleepy

Appropriate Usage: A straightforward term for feeling or showing tiredness and a need for sleep.
Example: The sleepy guard failed to notice the irregularities in the night logs.

13. Worn Out

Appropriate Usage: Used for being very tired, especially after hard work or effort.
Example: After finalizing the annual report, the accounting team was completely worn out.

14. Langourous

Appropriate Usage: Describes a dreamy, lazy, or peaceful tiredness.
Example: The langourous pace of work during the holiday season affected project timelines.

15. Sapped

Appropriate Usage: Refers to being drained of energy or vitality.
Example: The continuous technical glitches sapped the team’s enthusiasm for the new software.

16. Flagging

Appropriate Usage: Describes declining in vigor, strength, or interest.
Example: The flagging enthusiasm among the staff indicated a need for motivational measures.

17. Depleted

Appropriate Usage: Used when energy or resources are used up or exhausted.
Example: The team’s creativity seemed depleted after several high-pressure campaigns.

18. Unenergetic

Appropriate Usage: A straightforward term for lacking in energy.
Example: The unenergetic presentation by the sales team failed to impress the clients.

19. Apathetic

Appropriate Usage: Describes a lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern, often due to low energy.
Example: An apathetic approach to customer feedback was harming the business’s reputation.

20. Spent

Appropriate Usage: Used to describe being completely used up or exhausted.
Example: After the merger negotiations, the CEO felt entirely spent and in need of a break.

Linda Brown