What Is Another Way to Say “Look Down Upon”?

Looking for synonyms for look down upon? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say look down upon.

  • Disdain
  • Scorn
  • Despise
  • Disparage
  • Belittle
  • Devalue
  • Sneer at
  • Spurn
  • Discredit
  • Undervalue

Want to learn how to say look down upon professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Disdain

Disdain is used when someone feels that something or someone is unworthy of one’s respect or consideration. It conveys a sense of contempt or scorn.

  • Example: “The veteran engineer viewed the new, untested design approaches with disdain, preferring proven methods.”

2. Scorn

Scorn is appropriate for expressing extreme disdain or derision towards a person or idea, often because it is deemed foolish or unworthy.

  • Example: “The proposal was met with scorn by the board, who found it lacked financial viability.”

3. Despise

Despise is used when someone feels a deep dislike or disgust for someone or something. It indicates a strong emotional aversion.

  • Example: “She despised cutting corners on safety measures, insisting on thorough reviews regardless of deadlines.”

4. Disparage

Disparage is suitable for expressing the act of speaking about someone or something in a way that shows strong disapproval or lack of respect.

  • Example: “In the meeting, he disparaged the competitor’s product as inferior and unreliable.”

5. Belittle

Belittle is used when someone wants to make someone or something seem less important or less valuable, often in a demeaning manner.

  • Example: “The senior analyst belittled the new market research, questioning its methodology and relevance.”

6. Devalue

Devalue is appropriate for expressing a reduction in respect or value for someone or something, often in a professional or financial context.

  • Example: “By ignoring the innovative features of the new software, the review devalued its potential impact on efficiency.”

7. Sneer at

Sneer at is used to describe an expression of contempt or derision, often through facial expressions or mocking comments.

  • Example: “He sneered at the suggestion that traditional methods could be replaced by automation.”

8. Spurn

Spurn is suitable for describing a rejection or refusal of someone or something with disdain or contempt.

  • Example: “The committee spurned the idea of outsourcing, believing it would compromise quality.”

9. Discredit

Discredit is used when attempting to harm the reputation or credibility of someone or something, often through disparagement.

  • Example: “The report attempted to discredit the new research findings by highlighting supposed methodological flaws.”

10. Undervalue

Undervalue is appropriate for failing to recognize the true importance, worth, or ability of someone or something, often leading to insufficient appreciation or acknowledgment.

  • Example: “The company’s leadership undervalued the importance of employee morale in driving productivity.”

Linda Brown