What Is Another Way to Say “Keep Up”?

Looking for synonyms for keep up? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say keep up.

  • Maintain
  • Sustain
  • Continue
  • Preserve
  • Uphold
  • Carry on
  • Perpetuate
  • Prolong
  • Retain
  • Persist
  • Conserve
  • Extend
  • Support
  • Hold up
  • Persevere

Want to learn how to say keep up professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Maintain

Appropriate Use: Used in a professional context to refer to the ongoing upkeep or preservation of standards, conditions, or systems.
Example: “It’s crucial that we maintain our quality standards to meet the client’s expectations.”

2. Sustain

Appropriate Use: Typically used in business to describe the ability to continue or prolong certain actions, efforts, or business activities over a long period.
Example: “The team worked hard to sustain the growth momentum of the project.”

3. Continue

Appropriate Use: Used in a general sense to describe the act of carrying on with a task or process without interruption.
Example: “Please continue to monitor the market trends and update the team accordingly.”

4. Preserve

Appropriate Use: Often used in contexts where there is a need to protect or maintain something in its original or existing state.
Example: “We need to preserve the integrity of our financial reporting system.”

5. Uphold

Appropriate Use: Commonly used in legal, ethical, or standard-setting contexts, implying support or maintenance of a principle or standard.
Example: “As managers, we must uphold the company’s policies on workplace ethics.”

6. Carry on

Appropriate Use: Informal yet professional, used to suggest the continuation of an activity or process.
Example: “Carry on with the research; your findings are crucial for our strategy development.”

7. Perpetuate

Appropriate Use: Used in a context where an action or process is made to continue indefinitely.
Example: “Our goal is to perpetuate the company’s legacy of innovation.”

8. Prolong

Appropriate Use: Used when referring to the extension of the duration of something, often beyond the usual or expected time.
Example: “We should not prolong the decision-making process unnecessarily.”

9. Retain

Appropriate Use: Often used in business contexts to describe the act of keeping or continuing to have something, especially a position or condition.
Example: “We must retain our market position through continuous improvement and innovation.”

10. Persist

Appropriate Use: Used to describe continuing steadfastly or firmly in some state, purpose, course of action, or the pursuit of some objective, especially in spite of opposition.
Example: “Despite the challenges, we must persist in our efforts to break into new markets.”

11. Conserve

Appropriate Use: Typically used in the context of preserving resources or energy.
Example: “It’s important to conserve our budget resources for the upcoming quarter.”

12. Extend

Appropriate Use: Often used in professional settings to indicate the lengthening of a time period or extending the scope of something.
Example: “We decided to extend the deadline to ensure thorough completion of the project.”

13. Support

Appropriate Use: Commonly used in various professional contexts, implying assistance, backing, or upholding something.
Example: “Our IT department will support the maintenance of the new software system.”

14. Hold up

Appropriate Use: Informal, typically used to refer to the act of maintaining the standard or delaying something.
Example: “Please hold up the release until we receive final approval from the legal department.”

15. Persevere

Appropriate Use: Used to describe continuing in a course of action even in the face of difficulty or with little or no prospect of success.
Example: “We need to persevere with our marketing strategy, despite the initial lack of results.”

Linda Brown