What Is Another Way to Say “It Was”?

Looking for synonyms for it was? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say it was.

  • It transpired
  • It occurred
  • It happened
  • It existed
  • It took place
  • It ensued
  • It arose
  • It unfolded
  • It materialized
  • It came about
  • It came to pass
  • It developed
  • It emerged
  • It manifested
  • It appeared

Want to learn how to say it was professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. It Transpired

Used when referring to an event or situation that became apparent or came to be known.
Example: It transpired that the meeting was scheduled for next week, not today.

2. It Occurred

Appropriate for a wide range of situations, especially when referring to an event that happened unexpectedly.
Example: It occurred to the team that the data might be outdated, prompting a new analysis.

3. It Happened

A general substitute, fitting for most situations where something took place, particularly unplanned events.
Example: It happened that the client called during the budget review, offering crucial feedback.

4. It Existed

Used when referring to the existence or presence of something in the past.
Example: It existed a policy at the time that prohibited remote working arrangements.

5. It Took Place

Suitable for events or actions, emphasizing the occurrence at a specific time or place.
Example: The merger it took place amid significant market uncertainty.

6. It Ensued

Best for situations where something follows as a result or consequence of another action.
Example: After the announcement, a heated debate it ensued among the stakeholders.

7. It Arose

Used when something originates or comes into being, especially unexpectedly.
Example: It arose a need for a new compliance protocol after the regulatory changes.

8. It Unfolded

Appropriate for describing a situation or story that develops or becomes clear over time.
Example: As the financial quarter it unfolded, new investment opportunities were identified.

9. It Materialized

Suitable when referring to something that comes into existence or becomes a reality.
Example: The partnership it materialized after months of negotiations.

10. It Came About

Used to explain how or why something happened or was done.
Example: It came about that the new policy was implemented to enhance operational efficiency.

11. It Came to Pass

Formal and somewhat archaic, used for events that happened, especially as foretold or expected.
Example: It came to pass that the predicted market downturn affected the company’s profits.

12. It Developed

Appropriate for situations that evolve or grow gradually over time.
Example: It developed a new approach to customer service that significantly improved satisfaction rates.

13. It Emerged

Used when something becomes known or comes into view, especially after being hidden.
Example: It emerged new evidence that prompted a re-evaluation of the marketing strategy.

14. It Manifested

Suitable for situations where something becomes perceptible or clear, often used in a more abstract sense.
Example: The need for organizational change it manifested through declining employee morale.

15. It Appeared

Used when describing something that becomes visible or known, often unexpectedly.
Example: It appeared that the competitor’s strategy was more effective than initially anticipated.

Linda Brown