What Is Another Way to Say “In the First Place”?

Looking for synonyms for in the first place? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say in the first place.

  • Initially
  • Originally
  • To begin with
  • From the start
  • At the outset
  • In the beginning
  • First and foremost
  • Primarily
  • Before anything else
  • At the inception
  • To start with
  • At the commencement
  • At first
  • From the get-go
  • At the origin

Want to learn how to say in the first place professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Initially

Usage: Suitable for referring to the earliest phase or starting point of an event or process.
Example: “Initially, the project was scoped to last six months, but it was extended due to its complexity.”

2. Originally

Usage: Ideal for indicating the first or original state or plan.
Example: “The software was originally designed for small businesses, but it has since evolved.”

3. To Begin With

Usage: Appropriate for emphasizing the starting point of a situation or argument.
Example: “To begin with, the company’s strategy focused solely on local markets.”

4. From the Start

Usage: Suitable for indicating something that has been the case since the beginning.
Example: “From the start, our policy has been to prioritize sustainable practices.”

5. At the Outset

Usage: Used to describe the situation or conditions at the very beginning.
Example: “At the outset of the merger, there were concerns about company culture compatibility.”

6. In the Beginning

Usage: Appropriate for referring to the initial period or phase of something.
Example: “In the beginning, the team faced several challenges in product development.”

7. First and Foremost

Usage: Ideal for highlighting the primary or most important point.
Example: “First and foremost, the company’s priority is to ensure the safety of its employees.”

8. Primarily

Usage: Suitable for indicating the main or major reason or purpose.
Example: “The marketing campaign was primarily focused on increasing brand awareness.”

9. Before Anything Else

Usage: Used for stressing what was initially considered or should be considered first.
Example: “Before anything else, a thorough market analysis was conducted.”

10. At the Inception

Usage: Appropriate for denoting the beginning or start of a project or idea.
Example: “At the inception of the project, resources were limited but enthusiasm was high.”

11. To Start With

Usage: Suitable for indicating what was true or decided at the beginning.
Example: “To start with, the team agreed on a set of core objectives for the project.”

12. At the Commencement

Usage: Ideal for formal or academic settings, referring to the start of a process or event.
Example: “At the commencement of the study, participants were briefed on the objectives.”

13. At First

Usage: Appropriate for indicating an initial state or opinion that may have changed later.
Example: “At first, the data did not appear to support the hypothesis.”

14. From the Get-Go

Usage: Used in informal contexts to denote from the very beginning.
Example: “From the get-go, the startup’s innovative approach attracted investor interest.”

15. At the Origin

Usage: Suitable for emphasizing the point or place where something begins.
Example: “At the origin of the company’s founding, there were only three employees.”

Linda Brown