What Is Another Way to Say “In Connection With”?

Looking for synonyms for in connection with? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say in connection with.

  • In relation to
  • Pertaining to
  • Regarding
  • Concerning
  • With respect to
  • In regards to
  • Associated with
  • In association with
  • Relating to
  • In reference to
  • Linked to
  • Connected to
  • In the context of
  • With regard to
  • As for
  • In terms of
  • As regards
  • In light of
  • With reference to
  • Vis-à-vis

Want to learn how to say in connection with professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. In Relation to

Used to specify the subject being discussed or described.
Example: “The manager requested a report in relation to the project’s progress.”

2. Pertaining to

Ideal for referring to something that is relevant to a particular subject.
Example: “Please provide the financial data pertaining to the last quarter.”

3. Regarding

Used when talking about a specific topic.
Example: “The meeting today will focus on issues regarding client relations.”

4. Concerning

Suitable for addressing or relating to a specific matter or subject.
Example: “We have some concerns concerning the proposed timeline for the project.”

5. With Respect to

Used to talk about something in reference to a specific aspect.
Example: “With respect to your inquiry, we have updated our policy.”

6. In Regards to

Appropriate for discussing a particular aspect of a broader topic.
Example: “In regards to the marketing strategy, I have some suggestions.”

7. Associated with

Used when referring to things that are connected or related.
Example: “We are studying the trends associated with consumer behavior.”

8. In Association with

Suitable for describing a collaboration or connection between entities.
Example: “This event is organized in association with the local business council.”

9. Relating to

Used to specify what something is connected with or refers to.
Example: “All complaints relating to employee conduct should be directed to HR.”

10. In Reference to

Appropriate for pointing out or referring to a specific piece of information.
Example: “In reference to your email, we have rescheduled the appointment.”

11. Linked to

Used to show a connection or relationship between two or more things.
Example: “The success of the project is closely linked to the research team’s findings.”

12. Connected to

Suitable for describing a direct or indirect relationship.
Example: “The rise in sales is directly connected to our new advertising campaign.”

13. In the Context of

Used to discuss something within a particular situation or framework.
Example: “In the context of global markets, our strategy must be adaptable.”

14. With Regard to

Ideal for addressing a specific topic or subject.
Example: “With regard to your proposal, we have some feedback.”

15. As for

Used to introduce a new subject or change the topic to something specific.
Example: “As for the budget allocation, I suggest we prioritize marketing.”

16. In Terms of

Appropriate for discussing a particular aspect of a broader topic.
Example: “In terms of performance, this quarter exceeded expectations.”

17. As Regards

Used similarly to “in regards to” or “concerning.”
Example: “As regards the new policy, there will be a transition period for all departments.”

18. In Light of

Suitable for considering something because of another thing.
Example: “In light of recent events, we need to update our contingency plans.”

19. With Reference to

Used when referring back to something that was mentioned earlier.
Example: “With reference to our earlier discussion, I have drafted a plan.”

20. Vis-à-vis

A formal term for “in relation to” or “compared with.”
Example: “We need to evaluate our performance vis-à-vis our competitors.”

Linda Brown