What Is Another Way to Say “Go On”?

Looking for synonyms for go on? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say go on.

  • Continue
  • Proceed
  • Carry on
  • Persist
  • Keep going
  • Advance
  • Move forward
  • Press on
  • Follow through
  • Maintain course
  • Forge ahead
  • Push on
  • Keep on
  • Progress
  • Persevere

Want to learn how to say go on professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Continue

When to use: Suitable for extending an action or state beyond its current point.
Example: We will continue to monitor market trends and adjust our strategy accordingly.

2. Proceed

When to use: Ideal for moving forward, especially after a pause or interruption.
Example: After the approval, the team can proceed with the project’s next phase.

3. Carry On

When to use: Used for continuing an activity or process.
Example: Despite the challenges, the team decided to carry on with their plan.

4. Persist

When to use: Suitable for continuing firmly or obstinately in an action in spite of difficulty.
Example: She chose to persist with her innovative research despite skepticism.

5. Keep Going

When to use: Ideal for continuing to do something without stopping.
Example: Even after early setbacks, we must keep going to achieve our objectives.

6. Advance

When to use: Used for moving forward in a purposeful way.
Example: The company will advance into new markets next year.

7. Move Forward

When to use: Suitable for progressing in a forward direction.
Example: The decision has been made, and now it’s time to move forward with implementation.

8. Press On

When to use: Ideal for continuing with an action or task, especially in difficult circumstances.
Example: The team decided to press on with their efforts despite limited resources.

9. Follow Through

When to use: Used for completing an action or process that has already started.
Example: It’s important that we follow through with our commitments to our clients.

10. Maintain Course

When to use: Suitable for continuing on a set path or plan.
Example: The company will maintain course on its strategic plan for the upcoming year.

11. Forge Ahead

When to use: Ideal for moving forward with a plan or action, especially with determination.
Example: The research team is forging ahead with its groundbreaking study.

12. Push On

When to use: Used for continuing with effort despite difficulties.
Example: We must push on to meet our project deadlines.

13. Keep On

When to use: Suitable for persisting in an activity or process.
Example: We’ll keep on refining our approach until we achieve the desired results.

14. Progress

When to use: Ideal for moving forward or onward in space or time.
Example: The development of the new product is progressing well.

15. Persevere

When to use: Used for continuing in a course of action even in the face of difficulty.
Example: Despite the setbacks, the team’s ability to persevere will be key to their success.

Linda Brown