What Is Another Way to Say “Gave In”?

Looking for synonyms for gave in? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say gave in.

  • Yielded
  • Succumbed
  • Capitulated
  • Conceded
  • Relented
  • Acquiesced
  • Submitted
  • Surrendered
  • Caved in
  • Complied
  • Folded
  • Backed down
  • Admitted defeat
  • Consented
  • Agreed
  • Accepted
  • Bowed
  • Defeated
  • Gave up
  • Resigned

Want to learn how to say gave in professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Yielded

Appropriate Use: Giving in to a demand, persuasion, or a superior force.
Example: After much negotiation, the management finally yielded to the employees’ demands for better working conditions.

2. Succumbed

Appropriate Use: Giving in to pressure, temptation, or a negative force.
Example: The startup eventually succumbed to the competitive pressures of the market.

3. Capitulated

Appropriate Use: Ceasing to resist an opponent or an unwelcome demand; surrendering.
Example: The company capitulated and agreed to the merger after months of resistance.

4. Conceded

Appropriate Use: Admitting, often reluctantly, that something is true or valid after first denying or resisting it.
Example: The team leader conceded that the project deadline was unrealistic and extended it.

5. Relented

Appropriate Use: Abandoning a harsh stance or opposition.
Example: The supervisor finally relented and allowed her team to work from home on Fridays.

6. Acquiesced

Appropriate Use: Accepting something reluctantly but without protest.
Example: The board acquiesced to the shareholders’ proposal after initial hesitation.

7. Submitted

Appropriate Use: Yielding to a superior force or to the authority or will of another person.
Example: After much debate, the committee submitted to the new policy changes proposed by the CEO.

8. Surrendered

Appropriate Use: Giving up or yielding control to another.
Example: The company surrendered its majority stake in the venture as part of the restructuring plan.

9. Caved in

Appropriate Use: Yielding or submitting under pressure.
Example: Under intense scrutiny from the media, the politician finally caved in and addressed the allegations.

10. Complied

Appropriate Use: Acting in accordance with a wish or command.
Example: The employees complied with the new regulations imposed by the management.

11. Folded

Appropriate Use: Collapsing or giving up under pressure, often used in competitive scenarios.
Example: The smaller company folded under the intense market competition.

12. Backed Down

Appropriate Use: Withdrawing or retreating from a position or viewpoint.
Example: After widespread criticism, the company backed down from its controversial policy.

13. Admitted Defeat

Appropriate Use: Acknowledging an inability to succeed.
Example: The candidate admitted defeat after the results of the election were announced.

14. Consented

Appropriate Use: Agreeing to something or allowing something to happen.
Example: After reviewing the terms, the board consented to the partnership deal.

15. Agreed

Appropriate Use: Having the same opinion or reaching the same conclusion.
Example: The two companies agreed to collaborate on the new environmental initiative.

16. Accepted

Appropriate Use: Consenting to receive or undertake something offered.
Example: She accepted the terms of the contract after some deliberation.

17. Bowed

Appropriate Use: Yielding or submitting out of respect or recognition of a higher authority.
Example: The team bowed to the expert’s advice and revised their approach to the project.

18. Defeated

Appropriate Use: Overcome in a conflict, contest, or challenge.
Example: The smaller firm felt defeated by the legal prowess of the larger corporation.

19. Gave Up

Appropriate Use: Ceasing to do or perform something.
Example: The inventor gave up on the prototype after encountering numerous setbacks.

20. Resigned

Appropriate Use: Voluntarily leaving a job or position, often as an act of yielding.
Example: The CEO resigned from his position following disagreements with the board of directors.

Linda Brown