What Is Another Way to Say “From Scratch”?

Looking for synonyms for from scratch? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say from scratch.

  • From the ground up
  • From the beginning
  • From the start
  • From zero
  • From base zero
  • From the first step
  • From square one
  • From the get-go
  • Anew
  • Afresh
  • From nothing
  • From the initial stage
  • From the very beginning
  • From the bottom
  • From the outset

Want to learn how to say from scratch professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. From the Ground Up

When to use: Ideal for starting a project or process completely anew, with no prior foundation.
Example: The software was developed from the ground up to meet the specific needs of our clients.

2. From the Beginning

When to use: Suitable for initiating a process or story from its very first part.
Example: To understand the company’s culture, let’s start from the beginning.

3. From the Start

When to use: Used for commencing at the very point something begins.
Example: The project was challenging from the start, requiring innovative solutions.

4. From Zero

When to use: Refers to starting from nothing, without any initial advantages or help.
Example: She built her business from zero, relying solely on her skills and determination.

5. From Base Zero

When to use: Similar to ‘from zero’, emphasizing starting from an absolute beginning with no progress made.
Example: The team had to begin the research from base zero after losing all prior data.

6. From the First Step

When to use: Suitable for starting a process right from its initial phase or action.
Example: We are committed to guiding you from the first step of your investment journey.

7. From Square One

When to use: Commonly used to describe starting over again from the very beginning.
Example: After the prototype failed, we had to go back to square one.

8. From the Get-Go

When to use: Informal way of saying from the very start or beginning.
Example: The product was a hit from the get-go, gaining immediate market popularity.

9. Anew

When to use: Suitable for starting again in a new or different way.
Example: The company decided to approach its marketing strategy anew.

10. Afresh

When to use: Used for beginning again, often in a new or different manner.
Example: After the rebranding, the company is starting afresh in the market.

11. From Nothing

When to use: Indicates starting from a point where nothing has been done or prepared.
Example: He built his entire career from nothing, overcoming many challenges.

12. From the Initial Stage

When to use: Suitable for starting from the very first stage of a process.
Example: Training for the new recruits starts from the initial stage to ensure thorough understanding.

13. From the Very Beginning

When to use: Used for starting from the absolute start, often emphasizing thoroughness.
Example: To master the subject, one must study it from the very beginning.

14. From the Bottom

When to use: Refers to starting from the lowest or most basic level.
Example: She worked her way up in the company, starting from the bottom.

15. From the Outset

When to use: Suitable for starting from the very beginning of an activity or process.
Example: It was clear from the outset that the project would require significant resources.

Linda Brown