What Is Another Way to Say “Drop the Ball”?

Looking for synonyms for drop the ball? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say drop the ball.

  • Fail
  • Blunder
  • Err
  • Fumble
  • Slip up
  • Make a mistake
  • Overlook
  • Mismanage
  • Bungle
  • Botch
  • Neglect
  • Mess up
  • Goof
  • Mishandle
  • Flub

Want to learn how to say drop the ball professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Fail

Used in contexts where someone does not achieve the expected or required result. Often used in professional settings for missed objectives or unsuccessful projects.
Example: “The team failed to meet the project deadline, resulting in significant delays.”

2. Blunder

Appropriate when referring to a grave or careless mistake, often due to lack of attention or judgment in a professional setting.
Example: “The accountant’s blunder in the financial report caused a serious miscalculation of the budget.”

3. Err

Used in formal or professional contexts to indicate a deviation from accuracy or correctness.
Example: “The engineer erred in his calculations, which led to a structural weakness in the design.”

4. Fumble

Appropriate for situations where someone mishandles something, especially in a situation requiring careful management or handling.
Example: “The project manager fumbled the client presentation, leading to a loss of confidence from the stakeholders.”

5. Slip up

Used in a professional context, often informally, to describe a minor or uncharacteristic mistake.
Example: “The marketing director slipped up in her speech, but quickly recovered her composure.”

6. Make a mistake

A general term used in professional contexts to acknowledge an error or incorrect action.
Example: “The developer made a mistake in the code, which introduced a critical bug.”

7. Overlook

Used when someone fails to notice or consider something important in a professional setting.
Example: “The legal team overlooked a crucial clause in the contract, leading to potential liabilities.”

8. Mismanage

Appropriate for situations where there is poor management or handling of tasks, resources, or responsibilities in a professional environment.
Example: “The mismanagement of the project’s budget led to a financial shortfall.”

9. Bungle

Used to describe a situation where someone handles tasks incompetently, often leading to failure or an unsatisfactory outcome.
Example: “The team bungled the product launch, resulting in a poor reception from the market.”

10. Botch

Appropriate for describing a task or job that is carried out badly or carelessly, often in a professional context.
Example: “The contractor botched the installation, causing further delays and costs.”

11. Neglect

Used in professional contexts to describe a failure to care for or give proper attention to something important.
Example: “Neglecting regular maintenance checks led to the machinery breakdown.”

12. Mess up

An informal term often used in professional settings to describe a situation where someone has made a significant mistake.
Example: “He messed up the financial analysis, which affected the entire report.”

13. Goof

Informal and used in less formal professional settings, indicating a minor and often silly mistake.
Example: “I goofed on the scheduling, but it was quickly rectified.”

14. Mishandle

Used when someone deals with something inappropriately or incompetently in a professional setting.
Example: “The crisis was mishandled, leading to a deterioration of the company’s public image.”

15. Flub

Informal, often used in professional contexts to describe a small, embarrassing mistake.
Example: “The speaker flubbed his lines during the presentation but quickly regained his composure.”

Linda Brown