What Is Another Way to Say “Drill Down”?

Looking for synonyms for drill down? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say drill down.

  • Investigate in depth
  • Analyze thoroughly
  • Examine closely
  • Delve into
  • Explore deeply
  • Dig deeper
  • Dissect
  • Probe
  • Go into detail
  • Break down
  • Look into
  • Research extensively
  • Study intensively
  • Inquire further
  • Scrutinize
  • Get to the bottom of
  • Unpack
  • Disentangle
  • Sift through
  • Unravel

Want to learn how to say drill down professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Investigate in Depth

Used when conducting a detailed and thorough examination of a subject or issue.
Example: “The team will investigate in depth the factors leading to the decline in sales.”

2. Analyze Thoroughly

Appropriate for a comprehensive and detailed examination of data or a topic.
Example: “We need to analyze thoroughly the customer feedback to understand their concerns.”

3. Examine Closely

Refers to inspecting or looking at something with great attention to detail.
Example: “The engineer examined closely the blueprints for any potential flaws.”

4. Delve Into

Used when doing a deep investigation or study into a topic or issue.
Example: “She delved into the historical records to gather more information.”

5. Explore Deeply

Appropriate for thoroughly examining or investigating a subject or area.
Example: “The research team explored deeply the environmental impacts of the proposed project.”

6. Dig Deeper

Refers to investigating or looking more deeply into something, beyond the surface level.
Example: “To understand the root cause, we must dig deeper into the process.”

7. Dissect

Used for analyzing something in great detail, breaking it down into its constituent parts.
Example: “The committee dissected the proposal to assess its feasibility.”

8. Probe

Appropriate for inquiring or investigating deeply and critically.
Example: “The auditor probed into the financial records to find discrepancies.”

9. Go into Detail

Refers to explaining or examining something in a very detailed and comprehensive way.
Example: “The report goes into detail about the market trends over the past decade.”

10. Break Down

Used for separating something into smaller parts to understand it more thoroughly.
Example: “The teacher broke down the complex theory into simpler concepts for the students.”

11. Look Into

Appropriate for investigating or examining something.
Example: “The manager promised to look into the issue of workplace safety.”

12. Research Extensively

Refers to conducting a deep and comprehensive study into a particular subject.
Example: “She researched extensively before writing her thesis on renewable energy.”

13. Study Intensively

Used for engaging in an in-depth and focused examination of a subject.
Example: “He studied intensively the legal aspects of the contract.”

14. Inquire Further

Appropriate for seeking additional information or greater understanding of a subject.
Example: “We need to inquire further into the background of the candidates.”

15. Scrutinize

Refers to examining something very closely and in great detail.
Example: “The plan was scrutinized by experts for any potential risks.”

16. Get to the Bottom of

Used for finding out the true cause or reason behind something.
Example: “The investigator aimed to get to the bottom of the mystery.”

17. Unpack

Appropriate for analyzing or opening up something complex to make it understandable.
Example: “The professor unpacked the complex theory for the class.”

18. Disentangle

Refers to unraveling or resolving a complex or complicated matter.
Example: “The mediator helped to disentangle the issues in the dispute.”

19. Sift Through

Used for examining or searching through something thoroughly.
Example: “The researcher sifted through volumes of data to find relevant information.”

20. Unravel

Appropriate for making sense of a complex situation or problem.
Example: “The team worked to unravel the technical problems affecting the project.”

Linda Brown