What Is Another Way to Say “Cross-Check”?

Looking for synonyms for cross-check? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say cross-check.

  • Verify
  • Confirm
  • Corroborate
  • Validate
  • Double-check
  • Authenticate
  • Substantiate
  • Counter-verify
  • Cross-reference
  • Recheck
  • Review
  • Cross-examine
  • Compare
  • Countercheck
  • Triangulate

Want to learn how to say cross-check professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Verify

Used when seeking to establish the truth, accuracy, or validity of something.
Example: “Please verify the accuracy of the data before submission.”

2. Confirm

Appropriate when needing to establish the truth or correctness of something that was previously uncertain or unknown.
Example: “We need to confirm the client’s appointment time.”

3. Corroborate

Used when providing evidence or information that supports a statement, theory, or finding.
Example: “Additional experiments were conducted to corroborate the initial findings.”

4. Validate

Suitable for checking or proving the validity or accuracy of something.
Example: “The experimental results were needed to validate the theoretical model.”

5. Double-check

Used for verifying something again or for a second time to ensure accuracy or completeness.
Example: “Double-check the report for any errors before sending it to the client.”

6. Authenticate

Appropriate when proving that something is genuine, true, or legitimate.
Example: “Experts were called in to authenticate the ancient manuscript.”

7. Substantiate

Used when providing evidence or proof to support or prove the truth of something.
Example: “The claim was substantiated with clear documentary evidence.”

8. Counter-verify

Appropriate for verifying something by using an alternative method or source.
Example: “We will need to counter-verify these figures using an independent audit.”

9. Cross-reference

Used when checking the accuracy or validity of material in one source with material in another.
Example: “Cross-reference the bibliography to ensure all sources are accurately cited.”

10. Recheck

Suitable for checking something again.
Example: “Please recheck the calculations to ensure there are no discrepancies.”

11. Review

Appropriate for examining or assessing something again, especially critically.
Example: “We should review the contract thoroughly before finalizing it.”

12. Cross-examine

Used in legal contexts to question a witness who has already been questioned by the other side.
Example: “The defense lawyer cross-examined the witness to challenge their testimony.”

13. Compare

Suitable for noting the similarity or dissimilarity between two or more things.
Example: “Compare the current results with the previous ones to analyze the trend.”

14. Countercheck

Appropriate for checking again, especially as a means of confirmation or precaution.
Example: “Countercheck the shipment inventory against the original order list.”

15. Triangulate

Used in a broader sense to establish something by comparing or combining information from three different sources.
Example: “We used data triangulation to ensure the reliability of our research findings.”

Linda Brown