What Is Another Way to Say “Crash Course”?

Looking for synonyms for crash course? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say crash course.

  • Intensive course
  • Quick study
  • Accelerated program
  • Boot camp
  • Rapid tutorial
  • Express training
  • Short-term course
  • Brief workshop
  • Condensed program
  • Fast-track training
  • Speedy course
  • Immersion program
  • Compact course
  • Quick tutorial
  • Abbreviated course
  • Swift training
  • Brief course
  • Compressed program
  • Shortened course
  • Rapid course

Want to learn how to say crash course professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Intensive Course

Used for a course that covers a lot of material in a short amount of time.

  • Example: “She enrolled in an intensive course to quickly learn digital marketing.”

2. Quick Study

Appropriate for a study program designed to provide information or skills in a very short period.

  • Example: “The company offers a quick study program for new software tools to its employees.”

3. Accelerated Program

Refers to a program that progresses faster than usual to achieve goals in a shorter timeframe.

  • Example: “He completed an accelerated program in project management.”

4. Boot Camp

Used for a short, intensive, and rigorous course of training.

  • Example: “The coding boot camp is designed to teach programming skills in just three months.”

5. Rapid Tutorial

Appropriate for a tutorial that provides quick learning or instruction.

  • Example: “The team went through a rapid tutorial on the new customer relationship management system.”

6. Express Training

Refers to training provided in a fast and efficient manner.

  • Example: “Express training sessions were held for the staff on the updated safety protocols.”

7. Short-term Course

Used for courses that are designed to be completed in a short period.

  • Example: “She took a short-term course in graphic design to enhance her skills.”

8. Brief Workshop

Appropriate for a workshop that is concise and focused on a specific topic.

  • Example: “The brief workshop on time management was very informative.”

9. Condensed Program

Refers to a program in which the content is condensed into a shorter format.

  • Example: “The condensed program is ideal for professionals who want to upskill quickly.”

10. Fast-Track Training

Used for training designed to hasten the learning process.

  • Example: “Fast-track training in customer service excellence was provided to the new recruits.”

11. Speedy Course

Appropriate for a course that is designed to be completed quickly.

  • Example: “He completed a speedy course on data analysis techniques.”

12. Immersion Program

Refers to a program where participants are fully immersed in the learning experience.

  • Example: “The language immersion program helps learners achieve fluency faster.”

13. Compact Course

Used for a course that is packed into a shorter time frame but still covers essential content.

  • Example: “The compact course on social media marketing offers a comprehensive overview in two days.”

14. Quick Tutorial

Appropriate for a tutorial that is brief yet effective.

  • Example: “I watched a quick tutorial on how to use the new accounting software.”

15. Abbreviated Course

Refers to a course that is shorter than the standard duration.

  • Example: “The abbreviated course on leadership skills is popular among busy executives.”

16. Swift Training

Used for training programs conducted over a short period.

  • Example: “The team underwent swift training in emergency response procedures.”

17. Brief Course

Appropriate for a course that is concise and to the point.

  • Example: “The brief course on health and safety regulations was mandatory for all new hires.”

18. Compressed Program

Refers to a program in which the curriculum is compressed into a shorter schedule.

  • Example: “The university offers a compressed program for advanced studies in engineering.”

19. Shortened Course

Used for courses that have been made shorter than usual.

  • Example: “A shortened course on digital photography is available for beginners.”

20. Rapid Course

Appropriate for a course designed to deliver quick learning outcomes.

  • Example: “The rapid course in basic first aid was completed in just one weekend.”

Linda Brown