What Is Another Way to Say “Community Members”?

Looking for synonyms for community members? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say community members.

  • Residents
  • Locals
  • Citizens
  • Inhabitants
  • Constituents
  • Townspeople
  • Community dwellers
  • Neighborhood locals
  • Society members
  • Local population
  • Community participants
  • Civic members
  • Urbanites (for urban areas)
  • Villagers (for rural areas)
  • Stakeholders
  • Denizens
  • Populace
  • Public
  • Citizenry
  • Community folk

Want to learn how to say community members professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Residents

Used to refer to people who live in a specific geographical area.

  • Example: “The new park was developed with the input of local residents.”

2. Locals

Appropriate for referring to people living in a particular area, familiar with the local customs and environment.

  • Example: “The festival is a popular event among the locals.”

3. Citizens

Used to describe people who legally belong to a particular country or city.

  • Example: “The city council seeks feedback from citizens on the new zoning laws.”

4. Inhabitants

Refers to people who inhabit or occupy a particular place or community.

  • Example: “The development project takes into consideration the needs of the area’s inhabitants.”

5. Constituents

Appropriate for individuals represented by an elected official, especially in political contexts.

  • Example: “The senator held a town hall meeting to listen to the concerns of her constituents.”

6. Townspeople

Used for people living in a town or small city.

  • Example: “The townspeople are invited to participate in the annual parade.”

7. Community Dwellers

Refers to individuals who reside within and identify with a particular community.

  • Example: “The community center offers programs for all community dwellers.”

8. Neighborhood Locals

Appropriate for individuals who live in and often identify with a specific neighborhood.

  • Example: “The neighborhood locals have formed a committee to beautify the streets.”

9. Society Members

Used to refer to individuals belonging to a specific societal group or community.

  • Example: “Society members are encouraged to contribute to the monthly newsletter.”

10. Local Population

Refers to the entire population residing in a particular area.

  • Example: “The health survey targeted the entire local population.”

11. Community Participants

Used for individuals who actively participate in community activities or events.

  • Example: “Community participants are vital for the success of local initiatives.”

12. Civic Members

Refers to members of a community with a focus on their civic responsibilities and roles.

  • Example: “Civic members are being called to volunteer in the upcoming city elections.”

13. Urbanites (for urban areas)

Used specifically for residents of urban or city areas.

  • Example: “Urbanites face unique challenges such as high living costs and traffic congestion.”

14. Villagers (for rural areas)

Appropriate for individuals living in rural villages or small communities.

  • Example: “The villagers rely heavily on agriculture as their primary source of income.”

15. Stakeholders

Used for individuals or groups who have an interest or concern in a community or project.

  • Example: “Stakeholder meetings will determine the future of the community project.”

16. Denizens

Refers to inhabitants of a place, often implying a sense of belonging.

  • Example: “The denizens of the coastal town are known for their hospitality.”

17. Populace

Used for the general population or the people who live in a particular area.

  • Example: “The mayor addressed the concerns of the populace in his speech.”

18. Public

Appropriate for referring to the people as a whole in a community or area.

  • Example: “The public library serves as a resource for the entire community.”

19. Citizenry

Used to collectively refer to the citizens of a place, especially in a civic context.

  • Example: “The wellbeing of the citizenry is the government’s top priority.”

20. Community Folk

Refers to people from a particular community, often used in a more informal or affectionate sense.

  • Example: “The community folk gather every weekend at the local farmer’s market.”

Linda Brown