What Is Another Way to Say “Carte Blanche”?

Looking for synonyms for carte blanche? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say carte blanche.

  • Blank check
  • Free rein
  • Unrestricted authority
  • Full power
  • Complete discretion
  • Unlimited freedom
  • Open-ended permission
  • Free hand
  • Autonomy
  • Unconditional authority
  • Full authority
  • Unbridled liberty
  • Unfettered discretion
  • Absolute power
  • Unrestricted freedom
  • Total control
  • Unchecked authority
  • Full license
  • Unhindered authority
  • Sovereign power

Want to learn how to say carte blanche professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Blank Check

Appropriate Usage: Refers to giving someone complete freedom to act as they wish or spend money.
Example: “The board gave the new CEO a blank check to overhaul the company’s operations.”

2. Free Rein

Appropriate Usage: Suitable for situations where someone is given complete freedom of action and decision-making.
Example: “The manager was given free rein to restructure her department.”

3. Unrestricted Authority

Appropriate Usage: Used when someone has complete and unlimited power to make decisions.
Example: “The committee granted the director unrestricted authority in the hiring process.”

4. Full Power

Appropriate Usage: Indicates someone having complete control and authority in a certain area.
Example: “The ambassador was sent with full power to negotiate the treaty.”

5. Complete Discretion

Appropriate Usage: Suitable for situations where someone can make decisions without any external control or influence.
Example: “The team leader was given complete discretion in choosing the project’s direction.”

6. Unlimited Freedom

Appropriate Usage: Refers to having no restrictions in one’s actions or decisions.
Example: “The artist was given unlimited freedom in designing the new exhibit.”

7. Open-ended Permission

Appropriate Usage: Suitable for situations where permission is given without any specific limitations or conditions.
Example: “The researcher was granted open-ended permission to access the archives.”

8. Free Hand

Appropriate Usage: Used when someone is allowed to act according to their own judgment and instincts.
Example: “The designer was given a free hand in renovating the office.”

9. Autonomy

Appropriate Usage: Refers to the right or condition of self-government, especially in a particular sphere.
Example: “The department was granted autonomy in managing its internal affairs.”

10. Unconditional Authority

Appropriate Usage: Indicates having complete and unrestricted power without any conditions attached.
Example: “The project manager was given unconditional authority to make executive decisions.”

11. Full Authority

Appropriate Usage: Suitable for situations where someone is given complete control over a particular area or task.
Example: “The lead engineer was given full authority over the technical decisions in the project.”

12. Unbridled Liberty

Appropriate Usage: Used when someone is given the freedom to act without restrictions or controls.
Example: “The journalist had unbridled liberty to cover the story from all angles.”

13. Unfettered Discretion

Appropriate Usage: Refers to having the freedom to decide or act without any limitations.
Example: “The finance committee was granted unfettered discretion in allocating the budget.”

14. Absolute Power

Appropriate Usage: Suitable for situations where someone has complete and total authority and control.
Example: “The CEO wielded absolute power over the company’s strategic directions.”

15. Unrestricted Freedom

Appropriate Usage: Indicates the absence of limitations or constraints on someone’s actions or decisions.
Example: “The new policy allowed employees unrestricted freedom to work from home.”

16. Total Control

Appropriate Usage: Used when someone has complete dominion or authority over something.
Example: “The government took total control of the crisis management process.”

17. Unchecked Authority

Appropriate Usage: Refers to having power or authority without any form of supervision or restraint.
Example: “In his new role, he had unchecked authority over the division’s resources.”

18. Full License

Appropriate Usage: Suitable for situations where someone is given complete permission to act in a particular way.
Example: “The author was given full license to adapt the novel into a screenplay.”

19. Unhindered Authority

Appropriate Usage: Indicates having authority or power without being obstructed or impeded.
Example: “She exercised unhindered authority in reforming the organizational structure.”

20. Sovereign Power

Appropriate Usage: Refers to supreme or ultimate power and authority.
Example: “The director held sovereign power over the film’s creative direction.”

Linda Brown