What Is Another Way to Say “Business as Usual”?

Looking for synonyms for business as usual? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say business as usual.

  • Status quo
  • Normal operations
  • Regular procedure
  • Standard practice
  • Usual routine
  • Par for the course
  • Standard operating procedure
  • Typical conduct
  • Everyday business
  • The norm
  • Routine activity
  • Ordinary course
  • Common practice
  • Customary operation
  • Habitual process

Want to learn how to say business as usual professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Status Quo

Use “status quo” in a professional context to refer to maintaining current conditions or operating as usual.
Example: “Despite the recent management changes, it was decided to keep the status quo in the company’s operational procedures.”

2. Normal Operations

“Normal operations” is appropriate for indicating the standard functioning of a business or organization without any significant changes.
Example: “After the holiday season, the store returned to normal operations.”

3. Regular Procedure

Use “regular procedure” when referring to the usual method or way of doing things in a business context.
Example: “The team followed regular procedure for client onboarding to ensure consistency.”

4. Standard Practice

“Standard practice” is suitable for situations where a particular way of doing things is commonly accepted and expected.
Example: “It’s standard practice in our firm to have weekly team meetings.”

5. Usual Routine

“Usual routine” is used to describe the typical daily activities or operations in a professional setting.
Example: “The office began its usual routine with a morning briefing at 9 AM.”

6. Par for the Course

“Par for the course” is appropriate when describing something that is normal or expected in a given situation.
Example: “Tight deadlines are par for the course in the event planning industry.”

7. Standard Operating Procedure

“Standard operating procedure” refers to a set of instructions or steps that are regularly followed to complete a task.
Example: “The factory workers adhered to the standard operating procedure to ensure quality control.”

8. Typical Conduct

“Typical conduct” is used to describe behaviors or actions that are usual or expected in a professional environment.
Example: “Attending networking events is typical conduct for business development professionals.”

9. Everyday Business

“Everyday business” refers to the routine or regular activities conducted by a company or organization.
Example: “Handling customer inquiries is part of our everyday business.”

10. The Norm

“The norm” is used to indicate what is standard, usual, or expected in a particular context.
Example: “Flexible work hours have become the norm in our industry.”

11. Routine Activity

“Routine activity” is suitable for describing actions or operations that are regular and done frequently.
Example: “The monthly financial reporting is a routine activity for the accounting department.”

12. Ordinary Course

“Ordinary course” is used when referring to the usual way of doing things or standard operations.
Example: “In the ordinary course of business, we conduct quarterly performance reviews.”

13. Common Practice

“Common practice” is appropriate for methods or procedures that are widely accepted and used.
Example: “It’s common practice for us to use agile methodology in all our software development projects.”

14. Customary Operation

“Customary operation” refers to the traditional or habitual way of running a business or process.
Example: “The customary operation of the plant includes a safety check at the start of each shift.”

15. Habitual Process

“Habitual process” is used to describe a process or method that is regularly followed out of habit.
Example: “Sending weekly project updates to clients is a habitual process in our consulting firm.”

Linda Brown