What Is Another Way to Say “Build Upon”?

Looking for synonyms for build upon? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say build upon.

  • Expand on
  • Elaborate on
  • Develop
  • Enhance
  • Extend
  • Augment
  • Add to
  • Enrich
  • Refine
  • Amplify
  • Improve
  • Broaden
  • Fortify
  • Supplement
  • Reinforce
  • Evolve
  • Bolster
  • Intensify
  • Escalate
  • Embellish

Want to learn how to say build upon professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Expand on

Expand on is used when providing more details or information on a previously mentioned idea or topic. It’s suitable in academic, professional, or presentation contexts.
Example: “Can you expand on how this strategy will impact our long-term goals?”

2. Elaborate on

Elaborate on is appropriate when giving more detailed information or a more detailed explanation about something. It’s commonly used in meetings, discussions, or reports.
Example: “Please elaborate on the steps involved in the new client onboarding process.”

3. Develop

Develop is used when improving or growing something over time, especially in business, technology, or project management contexts.
Example: “We need to develop our marketing tactics to align with new market trends.”

4. Enhance

Enhance is suitable for describing improvements made to increase the quality, value, or effectiveness of something.
Example: “The software update will enhance the user experience significantly.”

5. Extend

Extend is used when making something longer or larger, often in terms of time, scope, or physical dimensions.
Example: “The company decided to extend the deadline to ensure higher quality deliverables.”

6. Augment

Augment is appropriate for making something greater by adding to it, commonly used in a professional context to describe increasing resources or capabilities.
Example: “Augmenting our team with skilled data analysts has improved our research capabilities.”

7. Add to

Add to is used to contribute further to something already existing or underway. It’s a versatile term used across various professional settings.
Example: “Adding to what has already been said, I’d like to highlight the financial aspects of the proposal.”

8. Enrich

Enrich is suitable for improving the quality or value of something, often used in educational, cultural, or informational contexts.
Example: “The new training modules will enrich our employees’ skill sets.”

9. Refine

Refine is used when making something better by making small changes, especially in a business or creative process.
Example: “The engineering team is refining the product design based on customer feedback.”

10. Amplify

Amplify is appropriate when increasing the strength or intensity of something, often used in the context of marketing, communication, or advocacy.
Example: “The marketing campaign aims to amplify our brand’s presence in the industry.”

11. Improve

Improve is a general term for making something better, applicable in a wide range of professional contexts.
Example: “Continuous training programs are essential to improve our team’s performance.”

12. Broaden

Broaden is used when making something wider in scope or more comprehensive, often in terms of knowledge, experience, or activities.
Example: “Broadening our product range will help us reach a larger market.”

13. Fortify

Fortify is suitable for strengthening something, especially in terms of its defenses or resilience.
Example: “Investing in cybersecurity measures will fortify our network against potential threats.”

14. Supplement

Supplement is used to add something to something else in order to improve or complete it, commonly in educational or nutritional contexts.
Example: “We will supplement our report with the latest market research data.”

15. Reinforce

Reinforce is appropriate for making something stronger, especially in support or structurally, often used in construction, education, or management.
Example: “Using real-life examples in the training session will reinforce the learning objectives.”

16. Evolve

Evolve is used to describe a gradual development or change, often in a positive direction, in various professional fields.
Example: “Our business model needs to evolve to stay competitive in the market.”

17. Bolster

Bolster is suitable for supporting or strengthening something, often used in the context of argumentation, strategy, or policy.
Example: “To bolster our case, we gathered substantial evidence from multiple sources.”

18. Intensify

Intensify is used when increasing the degree, strength, or severity of something, often in marketing, research, or strategic planning.
Example: “We need to intensify our efforts to meet the project deadline.”

19. Escalate

Escalate is appropriate for describing an increase in intensity or magnitude, especially in conflict, crisis, or competition situations.
Example: “The company is prepared to escalate its investment in renewable energy technologies.”

20. Embellish

Embellish, while often used in a creative or decorative sense, can also mean to add details to improve or enhance a story or report.
Example: “While presenting, it’s important not to embellish the facts, even if it makes the story more interesting.”

Linda Brown