What Is Another Way to Say “Broke Out”?

Looking for synonyms for broke out? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say broke out.

  • Erupted
  • Exploded
  • Burst forth
  • Flared up
  • Commenced
  • Ignited
  • Emerged
  • Ensued
  • Unleashed
  • Occurred
  • Developed
  • Manifested
  • Escalated
  • Unfolded
  • Transpired

Want to learn how to say broke out professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Erupted

When to Use: Suitable for sudden, often violent occurrences, often used in natural phenomena or emotional contexts.
Example: The dispute erupted into a major conflict.

2. Exploded

When to Use: Appropriate for situations involving a rapid and sudden increase or burst, often used in trends, emotions, or conflicts.
Example: The news exploded across social media platforms.

3. Burst Forth

When to Use: Ideal for describing something emerging suddenly and energetically, often used in creative or innovative contexts.
Example: Ideas burst forth in the brainstorming session.

4. Flared Up

When to Use: Best used for sudden intensifications, often in medical, emotional, or conflict situations.
Example: Tensions flared up during the negotiations.

5. Commenced

When to Use: Suitable for indicating the beginning of something, often used in formal or official contexts.
Example: The conference commenced with the keynote speech.

6. Ignited

When to Use: Appropriate for situations where something is set off or sparked, often used in inspirational, motivational, or conflict-related contexts.
Example: The announcement ignited a wave of innovation in the industry.

7. Emerged

When to Use: Ideal for describing something coming into view or existence, often used in trends, problems, or solutions.
Example: A new market trend emerged after the product launch.

8. Ensued

When to Use: Best used when referring to something that follows as a result, often in a sequence of events or consequences.
Example: Chaos ensued following the sudden leadership change.

9. Unleashed

When to Use: Suitable for the release of something powerful or massive, often used in contexts of unleashing potential or calamities.
Example: The policy change unleashed a series of economic reactions.

10. Occurred

When to Use: Appropriate for stating that something happened or took place, often in a neutral or factual manner.
Example: A significant breakthrough occurred during the research.

11. Developed

When to Use: Ideal for situations involving a gradual process of change, growth, or evolution, often used in projects, strategies, or illnesses.
Example: The situation developed over several weeks.

12. Manifested

When to Use: Best used for describing something becoming apparent or perceptible, often in symptoms, behaviors, or trends.
Example: The symptoms of the disease manifested rapidly.

13. Escalated

When to Use: Suitable for describing a situation increasing in intensity or severity, often used in conflicts, crises, or problems.
Example: The conflict escalated despite efforts to negotiate.

14. Unfolded

When to Use: Appropriate for describing something being revealed or made known over time, often in events, stories, or developments.
Example: The details of the plan unfolded during the meeting.

15. Transpired

When to Use: Ideal for revealing or describing what has happened, especially something unexpected or previously unknown.
Example: It transpired that the project had been underfunded from the start.

Linda Brown