What Is Another Way to Say “Break Out”?

Looking for synonyms for break out? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say break out.

  • Erupt
  • Explode
  • Burst forth
  • Escalate
  • Surge
  • Emerge
  • Flare up
  • Unleash
  • Ignite
  • Manifest
  • Develop
  • Ensue
  • Arise
  • Commence
  • Transpire

Want to learn how to say break out professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Erupt

When to Use: Appropriate in situations describing sudden, often violent outbursts, especially in the context of emotions or natural phenomena like volcanoes.
Example: The negotiations erupted into a heated debate.

2. Explode

When to Use: Suitable for describing a rapid increase or sudden outburst in intensity, often used in contexts like markets, trends, or emotions.
Example: The demand for electric vehicles exploded following the government’s new environmental policies.

3. Burst Forth

When to Use: Ideal for scenarios where something emerges suddenly and with great energy, often used metaphorically.
Example: Ideas burst forth during the brainstorming session.

4. Escalate

When to Use: Best used when describing a situation that is intensifying or growing in severity, often in a professional or conflict-related context.
Example: The discussion quickly escalated into a full-blown argument.

5. Surge

When to Use: Suitable for situations involving a sudden powerful forward or upward movement, often used in financial or natural contexts.
Example: There was a surge in stock prices after the successful product launch.

6. Emerge

When to Use: Appropriate for situations where something becomes apparent or comes into existence, often used in the context of trends, results, or solutions.
Example: A clear leader emerged from the year-long research project.

7. Flare Up

When to Use: Ideal for describing a sudden outburst or recurrence, often used in medical or conflict-related contexts.
Example: The unresolved issues flared up during the negotiations.

8. Unleash

When to Use: Best when referring to the release of something powerful or uncontrollable, often used in contexts like unleashing potential, energy, or creativity.
Example: The new policy unleashed a wave of innovation in the industry.

9. Ignite

When to Use: Suitable for initiating or sparking a process, movement, or reaction, often used in inspirational or motivational contexts.
Example: The CEO’s speech ignited a new sense of purpose among the employees.

10. Manifest

When to Use: Appropriate when something becomes perceptible or clear, often in the context of ideas, diseases, or symptoms.
Example: The symptoms of the disease began to manifest two weeks after exposure.

11. Develop

When to Use: Ideal for situations involving a gradual process of change or growth, often used in professional, personal, or technological contexts.
Example: A new strategy developed over the course of the fiscal year.

12. Ensue

When to Use: Best used to describe something that happens as a consequence or result of something else, often in a sequence of events.
Example: Chaos ensued after the sudden resignation of the CEO.

13. Arise

When to Use: Suitable for situations where an issue or opportunity comes into being or becomes apparent.
Example: Several challenges arose during the project’s implementation phase.

14. Commence

When to Use: Appropriate for indicating the beginning of something, often used in formal or official contexts.
Example: The meeting will commence at 10 a.m. sharp.

15. Transpire

When to Use: Ideal for describing events that have occurred, especially those that are surprising or previously unknown, often in a narrative or explanatory context.
Example: It transpired that the data had been misinterpreted from the start.

Linda Brown