What Is Another Way to Say “Blow Up”?

Looking for synonyms for blow up? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say blow up.

  • Explode
  • Detonate
  • Burst
  • Ignite
  • Disintegrate
  • Shatter
  • Erupt
  • Combust
  • Fragment
  • Discharge
  • Incinerate
  • Rupture
  • Atomize
  • Vaporize
  • Disperse

Want to learn how to say blow up professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Explode

Used to describe a sudden and violent expansion, often associated with bombs or chemical reactions.

  • Example: “The laboratory experiment went awry, causing the chemicals to explode.”

2. Detonate

Appropriate for describing the act of causing an explosion, typically in the context of explosives or bombs.

  • Example: “The demolition team safely detonated the old building for the construction project.”

3. Burst

Used when something breaks or splits suddenly and violently, often due to internal pressure.

  • Example: “The overinflated tire burst during the hot summer day.”

4. Ignite

Ideal for situations where something is set on fire or begins to burn.

  • Example: “The dry conditions in the forest caused the discarded cigarette to ignite a wildfire.”

5. Disintegrate

Used when something breaks into small parts or loses its structure, often in a destructive manner.

  • Example: “The ancient manuscript disintegrated when exposed to the air.”

6. Shatter

Appropriate for describing something breaking into many pieces, usually as a result of impact or stress.

  • Example: “The glass window shattered when struck by the stray baseball.”

7. Erupt

Used particularly for volcanoes or other geological events, but also for situations of sudden outburst.

  • Example: “The volcano erupted after years of dormancy, spewing lava and ash.”

8. Combust

Ideal for describing the process of burning or catching fire, especially spontaneously.

  • Example: “The chemicals combusted when they were improperly stored together.”

9. Fragment

Used when something breaks or falls apart into smaller pieces, often in a less violent manner than explode.

  • Example: “The ancient pot fragmented into pieces as it was unearthed.”

10. Discharge

Appropriate in contexts where a burst of substance or energy is released, often from a confined space.

  • Example: “The power plant discharged steam into the atmosphere.”

11. Incinerate

Used for situations where something is completely burned or consumed by fire.

  • Example: “The waste management facility incinerates trash to reduce landfill use.”

12. Rupture

Appropriate for describing a break or burst suddenly, especially in the context of pipes or biological tissues.

  • Example: “The water pipe ruptured due to freezing temperatures, causing a flood.”

13. Atomize

Used in technical contexts where something is broken down into fine particles or a spray.

  • Example: “The spray nozzle is designed to atomize liquid for even coating.”

14. Vaporize

Ideal for situations where something is turned into vapor, especially due to extreme heat.

  • Example: “The intense heat from the laser caused the metal to vaporize.”

15. Disperse

Used in contexts where something spreads widely or scatters, often in reference to gases or particles.

  • Example: “The fan helped to disperse the smoke from the room.”

Linda Brown