What Is Another Way to Say “Aim To”?

Looking for synonyms for aim to? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say aim to.

  • Strive to
  • Seek to
  • Plan to
  • Intend to
  • Aspire to
  • Endeavor to
  • Hope to
  • Set out to
  • Work towards
  • Desire to
  • Wish to
  • Commit to
  • Focus on
  • Target
  • Pursue
  • Attempt to
  • Prepare to
  • Propose to
  • Expect to
  • Look to

Want to learn how to say aim to professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Strive to

Used to express a strong effort or endeavor towards a goal.
Example: “We strive to provide the highest quality service to our customers.”

2. Seek to

Appropriate for indicating an attempt or desire to achieve a specific aim.
Example: “The company seeks to expand its market presence in Asia.”

3. Plan to

Used when there is an intention to carry out a specific action in the future.
Example: “We plan to launch the new product line next quarter.”

4. Intend to

Suitable for expressing a firm plan or decision to do something.
Example: “The organization intends to double its research budget next year.”

5. Aspire to

Used for expressing a strong desire or ambition to achieve something.
Example: “As a team, we aspire to lead the industry in innovation.”

6. Endeavor to

Appropriate for trying hard to achieve something.
Example: “We endeavor to complete the project within the allocated timeframe.”

7. Hope to

Used to express a wish to do something or for something to happen.
Example: “We hope to secure more funding for the initiative.”

8. Set out to

Suitable for describing what someone plans or intends to do.
Example: “She set out to change the company’s approach to sustainability.”

9. Work towards

Used to indicate efforts made in the direction of a goal.
Example: “Our team is working towards reducing overall production costs.”

10. Desire to

Appropriate for a strong wish or inclination to achieve something.
Example: “He has a strong desire to improve the company’s community engagement.”

11. Wish to

Used to express a desire or hope for something to happen.
Example: “I wish to address the team’s concerns during our next meeting.”

12. Commit to

Suitable for pledging or obligating oneself to a particular course of action.
Example: “The company commits to being carbon neutral by 2030.”

13. Focus on

Used to concentrate attention or resources on something.
Example: “Our current strategy focuses on developing new technologies.”

14. Target

Appropriate for aiming at a specific goal or objective.
Example: “Our sales team is targeting a 20% increase in revenue.”

15. Pursue

Used to follow or strive for something persistently.
Example: “We are actively pursuing new partnerships in the region.”

16. Attempt to

Suitable for trying to achieve or do something.
Example: “The company is attempting to enter a highly competitive market.”

17. Prepare to

Used to make ready or get set for a particular purpose or event.
Example: “We are preparing to host the annual industry conference.”

18. Propose to

Appropriate for putting forward a plan or intention.
Example: “The board proposes to restructure the management team.”

19. Expect to

Used to regard something as likely to happen.
Example: “We expect to see an increase in productivity with these changes.”

20. Look to

Suitable for considering or planning to do something.
Example: “The company is looking to innovate its approach to customer service.”

Linda Brown