What Is Another Way to Say “A Part Of”?

Looking for synonyms for a part of? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say a part of.

  • A component of
  • A member of
  • A piece of
  • A segment of
  • A portion of
  • An element of
  • A fraction of
  • A constituent of
  • A section of
  • An aspect of
  • A unit of
  • A part of
  • A feature of
  • A division of
  • An ingredient of
  • A subdivision of
  • A building block of
  • A detail of
  • An integral part of
  • A slice of

Want to learn how to say a part of professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. A component of

Used to refer to one of the parts that make up a whole system, structure, or mechanism.
Example: “The software module is a component of the larger network architecture.”

2. A member of

Appropriate for indicating belonging to a group, team, or organization.
Example: “She is a member of the international marketing team.”

3. A piece of

Used when referring to a part of something, especially when it is one of several distinct parts.
Example: “This chapter is a piece of the entire textbook.”

4. A segment of

Suitable for a section or part of something that is somewhat separate from the rest.
Example: “Our focus this quarter is on a segment of the consumer market.”

5. A portion of

Used when referring to a part or share of something larger.
Example: “A significant portion of the budget is allocated to research and development.”

6. An element of

Appropriate for describing a constituent part of a complex whole.
Example: “Customer feedback is an element of the product development process.”

7. A fraction of

Used to indicate a small part or amount of something.
Example: “Only a fraction of the data was used in the preliminary analysis.”

8. A constituent of

Suitable for a part or component of a larger entity.
Example: “This policy is a constituent of our overall business strategy.”

9. A section of

Used for a distinct part or subdivision of something.
Example: “He’s responsible for managing a section of the sales department.”

10. An aspect of

Appropriate for referring to a particular part or feature of a situation, idea, or problem.
Example: “This is only an aspect of the challenges we face.”

11. A unit of

Used to describe a single, complete, and usually independently functioning part of a larger entity.
Example: “Each department is considered a unit of the organization.”

12. A feature of

Suitable for a distinctive attribute or aspect of something.
Example: “Sustainability is now a feature of our business model.”

13. A division of

Used for indicating a part of an organization that operates semi-independently.
Example: “She works in a division of the company specializing in renewable energy.”

14. An ingredient of

Appropriate for a component part of a mixture or compound.
Example: “Innovation is an essential ingredient of the company’s success.”

15. A subdivision of

Used for a smaller part that is part of a larger whole, especially in terms of organizational structure.
Example: “Our team is a subdivision of the marketing department.”

16. A building block of

Suitable for a fundamental part or component that is essential to the structure or function of something.
Example: “Trust is a building block of effective teamwork.”

17. A detail of

Used to refer to an individual feature, fact, or item.
Example: “The report includes every detail of the project’s progress.”

18. An integral part of

Appropriate for something essential or necessary to the completeness of the whole.
Example: “Effective communication is an integral part of our management strategy.”

19. A slice of

Used to represent a share or part of something, often in terms of resources or responsibilities.
Example: “Our department has been allocated a slice of the annual budget for new projects.”

20. A part of

A general term for indicating inclusion within a larger whole.
Example: “She is a part of the task force assigned to the new initiative.”

Linda Brown