What Is Another Way to Say “Came to Be”?

Looking for synonyms for came to be? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say came to be.

  • Emerged
  • Developed
  • Evolved
  • Originated
  • Formed
  • Materialized
  • Arisen
  • Transpired
  • Manifested
  • Surfaced

Want to learn how to say came to be professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Emerged

Emerged is appropriate when referring to something coming into existence or becoming apparent, especially after a process of development. It implies a gradual or unexpected appearance.

Example: “The new marketing strategy emerged as a dominant force in the industry.”

2. Developed

Developed is used when indicating a process of growth or evolution, typically from a simpler to a more complex form.

Example: “Over the years, the company developed a reputation for innovative technology.”

3. Evolved

Evolved is suitable for describing a gradual process of change or development, often from a primitive to a more advanced state.

Example: “The business model evolved to adapt to the changing market demands.”

4. Originated

Originated is used when indicating the point or place where something begins or is derived from.

Example: “The concept for the project originated in the company’s research division.”

5. Formed

Formed is appropriate for describing the coming into existence of something, often through a combination or assembly of parts or people.

Example: “A committee was formed to oversee the new initiative.”

6. Materialized

Materialized implies something becoming real or actual, often suddenly or in a way that was anticipated.

Example: “The plans for the new corporate merger finally materialized after months of negotiation.”

7. Arisen

Arisen is suitable for situations where something emerges as an issue or point needing consideration.

Example: “Several challenges have arisen during the project’s development phase.”

8. Transpired

Transpired is used to describe something that has become known or apparent, especially something not previously known.

Example: “It transpired that the company had been working on a breakthrough technology.”

9. Manifested

Manifested is appropriate for situations where something becomes perceptible by the senses, especially sight, or becomes clear or obvious.

Example: “The benefits of the new policy manifested in increased employee productivity.”

10. Surfaced

Surfaced implies something becoming visible or apparent, especially after being hidden or unknown.

Example: “New information surfaced during the audit, revealing the need for revised procedures.”

Linda Brown