What Is Another Way to Say “Made Better”?

Looking for synonyms for made better? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say made better.

  • Improved
  • Enhanced
  • Upgraded
  • Refined
  • Optimized
  • Ameliorated
  • Advanced
  • Enriched
  • Elevated
  • Augmented
  • Fortified
  • Perfected
  • Developed
  • Revitalized
  • Renovated
  • Revamped
  • Modified
  • Boosted
  • Polished
  • Rectified

Want to learn how to say made better professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Improved

Appropriate Usage: Used for general enhancements in quality, value, or condition.
Example: The software’s performance has significantly improved with the latest update.

2. Enhanced

Appropriate Usage: Refers to an increase or improvement in quality, value, or extent.
Example: The enhanced security features of the application ensure better data protection.

3. Upgraded

Appropriate Usage: Suitable for describing a new version or improved model.
Example: The company upgraded its computer systems to increase processing efficiency.

4. Refined

Appropriate Usage: Describes improvements through fine-tuning or small yet significant changes.
Example: The refined marketing strategy resulted in a higher conversion rate.

5. Optimized

Appropriate Usage: Used when improvements are made to make something as effective or functional as possible.
Example: The workflow was optimized to reduce bottlenecks and improve productivity.

6. Ameliorated

Appropriate Usage: Suitable for describing the act of making something bad or unsatisfactory better.
Example: The project manager ameliorated the risks associated with the project.

7. Advanced

Appropriate Usage: Describes something being moved forward in a positive way.
Example: The advanced techniques in data analysis provided deeper insights into customer behavior.

8. Enriched

Appropriate Usage: Refers to adding qualities or substances that improve something.
Example: The training program was enriched with new, interactive learning modules.

9. Elevated

Appropriate Usage: Suitable for describing something being raised to a higher level or standard.
Example: The recent policy changes have elevated the company’s environmental sustainability practices.

10. Augmented

Appropriate Usage: Used when something is made greater in size or value.
Example: The augmented reality feature in the app has enhanced user engagement.

11. Fortified

Appropriate Usage: Describes something being strengthened or reinforced.
Example: The network’s defenses were fortified against potential cyber attacks.

12. Perfected

Appropriate Usage: Suitable for describing making something as good as possible.
Example: The design team worked tirelessly to perfect the product’s user interface.

13. Developed

Appropriate Usage: Used for describing the process of bringing something to a more advanced or effective state.
Example: The company developed its customer service policies to be more inclusive.

14. Revitalized

Appropriate Usage: Refers to imbuing something with new life and vitality.
Example: The revitalized branding strategy captured a wider segment of the market.

15. Renovated

Appropriate Usage: Suitable for describing the process of restoring something old to a good state of repair.
Example: The office space was completely renovated to foster a collaborative environment.

16. Revamped

Appropriate Usage: Used when something is given a new and improved form, structure, or appearance.
Example: The revamped website offers a more user-friendly and intuitive experience.

17. Modified

Appropriate Usage: Describes making partial changes to something.
Example: The software was modified to include additional features requested by users.

18. Boosted

Appropriate Usage: Suitable for describing an increase or improvement, especially in terms of energy or enthusiasm.
Example: The new incentive program boosted employee morale and productivity.

19. Polished

Appropriate Usage: Used when something is refined, improved, or made more sophisticated.
Example: The polished presentation impressed the clients during the pitch meeting.

20. Rectified

Appropriate Usage: Refers to correcting something or making it right.
Example: The engineering team rectified the issues found in the prototype model.

Linda Brown