What Is Another Way to Say “Good Fortune”?

Looking for synonyms for good fortune? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say good fortune.

  • Luck
  • Prosperity
  • Fortuitousness
  • Serendipity
  • Blessing
  • Favorable circumstances
  • Success
  • Windfall
  • Boon
  • Auspiciousness
  • Felicity
  • Good luck
  • Advantage
  • Beneficial conditions
  • Fluke
  • Stroke of luck
  • Lucky break
  • Opportune moment
  • Chance success
  • Good karma

Want to learn how to say good fortune professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Luck

When to Use: Suitable for general situations where chance plays a major role in a positive outcome.
Example: “Landing that major client was a matter of luck, given the stiff competition we faced.”

2. Prosperity

When to Use: Ideal for describing a state of flourishing, success, and good fortune, often in a business or economic context.
Example: “The company’s prosperity can be attributed to innovative strategies and strong leadership.”

3. Fortuitousness

When to Use: Best used in situations where a positive outcome happens by chance.
Example: “The fortuitousness of the market shift led to unexpected profits for the company.”

4. Serendipity

When to Use: Appropriate for describing the occurrence of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.
Example: “Finding a solution to the problem through a chance meeting was pure serendipity.”

5. Blessing

When to Use: Suitable for situations where a positive outcome feels like a gift or approval.
Example: “The sudden market demand for our new product was a blessing for the company.”

6. Favorable Circumstances

When to Use: Ideal for describing situations where conditions align positively.
Example: “Our expansion plans succeeded due to favorable circumstances in the international market.”

7. Success

When to Use: Suitable for outcomes where achievement or positive results are attained.
Example: “The success of our latest project is a testament to our team’s hard work.”

8. Windfall

When to Use: Best used in the context of an unexpected gain or acquisition, often financial.
Example: “The windfall from the unexpected surge in sales significantly boosted our year-end profits.”

9. Boon

When to Use: Appropriate for a situation that is helpful or beneficial, often in a significant way.
Example: “The government’s tax relief policy was a boon for our startup.”

10. Auspiciousness

When to Use: Ideal for circumstances that are seen as conducive to success or favorable.
Example: “The auspiciousness of the merger’s timing led to a smooth transition.”

11. Felicity

When to Use: Suitable for situations marked by great happiness or fortune.
Example: “Felicity in our recent investments has brought the company to new heights.”

12. Good Luck

When to Use: A common term for favorable fortune or a positive turn of events.
Example: “Good luck played a role in our unexpected breakthrough in the research department.”

13. Advantage

When to Use: Appropriate for situations where a beneficial condition or circumstance gives an upper hand.
Example: “Having an early patent gave us a significant advantage in the market.”

14. Beneficial Conditions

When to Use: Ideal for circumstances that positively influence an outcome.
Example: “Beneficial conditions in the economy helped our business thrive.”

15. Fluke

When to Use: Best used for a positive outcome that is achieved by accident or chance.
Example: “The sudden spike in our website traffic was a fluke, but it brought in many new customers.”

16. Stroke of Luck

When to Use: Suitable for unexpected fortunate occurrences.
Example: “It was a stroke of luck that we encountered an investor at the conference who was interested in our project.”

17. Lucky Break

When to Use: Appropriate for a sudden instance of fortune, often changing a situation for the better.
Example: “Our company’s lucky break came when a major influencer endorsed our product unexpectedly.”

18. Opportune Moment

When to Use: Ideal for describing a time that is especially favorable or advantageous.
Example: “Launching our new service at the opportune moment helped us dominate the market.”

19. Chance Success

When to Use: Suitable for a positive outcome that occurred unexpectedly and by chance.
Example: “Our chance success in the new market was not part of our original business strategy.”

20. Good Karma

When to Use: Used in a more philosophical or colloquial context, suggesting that good deeds or intentions lead to positive outcomes.
Example: “Our commitment to sustainability might be good karma, as it’s brought us positive media attention and customer loyalty.”

Linda Brown