What Is Another Way to Say “Cool Person”?

Looking for synonyms for cool person? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say cool person.

  • Trendsetter
  • Hipster
  • Smooth operator
  • Chill individual
  • Laid-back character
  • Swanky individual
  • Slick person
  • Groovy individual
  • Stylish person
  • Suave character
  • Fashionable individual
  • Unflappable personality
  • Easygoing character
  • Dapper individual
  • Urbane person
  • Sophisticated character
  • Charismatic individual
  • Effortlessly cool person
  • Hip character
  • Savvy individual

Want to learn how to say cool person professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Trendsetter

Used to describe someone who leads in creating or adopting new styles and trends.

  • Example: “Our lead designer is a real trendsetter, always a step ahead in fashion innovation.”

2. Hipster

Appropriate for someone who follows the latest trends, especially those outside the mainstream.

  • Example: “The new graphic artist in our team is quite the hipster with a unique approach to design.”

3. Smooth Operator

Refers to someone who handles situations effortlessly and effectively, often in a charismatic way.

  • Example: “Our sales director is a smooth operator, navigating complex negotiations with ease.”

4. Chill Individual

Used for someone with a relaxed and easy-going attitude.

  • Example: “The project manager is a chill individual, always calm under pressure.”

5. Laid-back Character

Appropriate for someone who is relaxed and easygoing in nature.

  • Example: “Our team leader is a laid-back character, which makes him very approachable.”

6. Swanky Individual

Refers to someone fashionable and sophisticated.

  • Example: “The marketing consultant is a swanky individual, always dressed in the latest styles.”

7. Slick Person

Used to describe someone who is smooth and impressively efficient and quick.

  • Example: “The new developer is a slick person, solving problems with remarkable speed.”

8. Groovy Individual

Appropriate for someone who is fashionable and exciting, often in a slightly unconventional way.

  • Example: “Our creative director is a groovy individual, known for her innovative ideas.”

9. Stylish Person

Refers to someone with a strong sense of style and fashion.

  • Example: “The brand ambassador is a stylish person, setting trends in corporate attire.”

10. Suave Character

Used for someone charming, confident, and elegant.

  • Example: “The keynote speaker is a suave character, captivating his audience with his charisma.”

11. Fashionable Individual

Appropriate for someone who is up-to-date with the latest fashions.

  • Example: “The store manager is a fashionable individual, often influencing customer choices.”

12. Unflappable Personality

Refers to someone who remains composed and is not easily upset or excited.

  • Example: “In high-stress situations, our CEO is an unflappable personality.”

13. Easygoing Character

Used for someone who is relaxed and not easily worried or stressed.

  • Example: “Our office manager is an easygoing character, making the workplace a pleasant environment.”

14. Dapper Individual

Appropriate for someone who is neat, stylish, and smart in appearance.

  • Example: “The guest speaker was a dapper individual, impressing everyone with his impeccable attire.”

15. Urbane Person

Refers to someone suave, courteous, and refined in manner.

  • Example: “The new client is an urbane person, bringing a touch of sophistication to our meetings.”

16. Sophisticated Character

Used to describe someone who is experienced in the ways of the world; refined and cultured.

  • Example: “Our art director is a sophisticated character, well-versed in international art scenes.”

17. Charismatic Individual

Appropriate for someone who has a magnetic personality and charm.

  • Example: “The founder is a charismatic individual, inspiring loyalty and enthusiasm in her team.”

18. Effortlessly Cool Person

Refers to someone who exudes an aura of coolness without apparent effort.

  • Example: “Our UX designer is an effortlessly cool person, always ahead with the latest tech trends.”

19. Hip Character

Used for someone who is fashionable and in tune with the latest happenings.

  • Example: “The social media manager is a hip character, always knowing what’s trending online.”

20. Savvy Individual

Appropriate for someone shrewd and knowledgeable in the realities of life.

  • Example: “The financial analyst is a savvy individual, adept at predicting market movements.”

Linda Brown