What Is Another Way to Say “By Product”?

Looking for synonyms for by product? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say by product.

  • Side effect
  • Offshoot
  • Spin-off
  • Derivative
  • Consequence
  • Resultant
  • Aftermath
  • Ramification
  • Outcome
  • Residue
  • Fallout
  • Subproduct
  • Incident
  • End result
  • Secondary result
  • Accidental result
  • Unintended result
  • Ancillary product
  • Adjunct
  • Corollary

Want to learn how to say by product professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Side Effect

Appropriate Usage: Used mainly in medical or scientific contexts to describe an unintended secondary effect, especially of medication or a procedure.
Example: “The new cancer drug has a side effect of increased fatigue in patients.”

2. Offshoot

Appropriate Usage: Suitable when referring to a byproduct or a secondary outcome that has developed as a branch or extension of something original or more significant.
Example: “The offshoot of the extensive research was the development of a new sustainable energy solution.”

3. Spin-off

Appropriate Usage: Commonly used in business and entertainment, referring to a product or project that has been developed from another more established one.
Example: “The company’s latest spin-off focuses on artificial intelligence in healthcare.”

4. Derivative

Appropriate Usage: Used in finance, art, and literature to describe something that is based on another source or work.
Example: “The derivative financial product was created to hedge against market volatility.”

5. Consequence

Appropriate Usage: Ideal for situations involving results or outcomes, especially as a result of an action or decision.
Example: “The consequence of the new corporate policy was a significant increase in employee productivity.”

6. Resultant

Appropriate Usage: Used in more formal or technical contexts to describe something that is the result or outcome of a process.
Example: “The resultant data from the experiment provided critical insights into genetic mutations.”

7. Aftermath

Appropriate Usage: Best used to describe the consequences or effects following a significant event, especially a disastrous or transformative one.
Example: “In the aftermath of the merger, several new managerial positions were created.”

8. Ramification

Appropriate Usage: Suitable for discussing the complex or potentially negative consequences of an action or decision.
Example: “The ramifications of the legal changes on the business were extensive and required a strategic overhaul.”

9. Outcome

Appropriate Usage: A general term for the result or consequence of an action, suitable for a wide range of contexts.
Example: “The outcome of the marketing strategy was a 25% increase in sales.”

10. Residue

Appropriate Usage: Typically used in scientific, technical, or industrial contexts to refer to a remainder or leftover substance.
Example: “The chemical process left a residue that was further analyzed for environmental impact.”

11. Fallout

Appropriate Usage: Often used metaphorically to describe the adverse consequences or after-effects, especially of a dramatic or significant event.
Example: “The fallout from the scandal had a lasting impact on the company’s reputation.”

12. Subproduct

Appropriate Usage: Used in industrial and manufacturing contexts to describe a secondary or incidental product made during the production of something else.
Example: “The manufacturing process also generates a valuable subproduct used in construction.”

13. Incident

Appropriate Usage: More commonly used in a legal or formal context to describe an event or occurrence as a result of something.
Example: “The incident of data breach was a direct result of the failure in updating the security protocols.”

14. End Result

Appropriate Usage: A general term suitable for describing the final outcome or result of a process or series of events.
Example: “The end result of the restructuring was a more streamlined and efficient organizational layout.”

15. Secondary Result

Appropriate Usage: Ideal for emphasizing that the outcome is not the primary one intended or sought after.
Example: “The secondary result of the new HR policy was an unexpected improvement in inter-departmental communication.”

16. Accidental Result

Appropriate Usage: Best used when the result or outcome is unintended or unexpected, often in experimental or unplanned situations.
Example: “The accidental result of the research was the discovery of a new antibiotic compound.”

17. Unintended Result

Appropriate Usage: Similar to ‘accidental result’, used when outcomes are not planned or foreseen.
Example: “The unintended result of the software update was a decrease in system stability.”

18. Ancillary Product

Appropriate Usage: Common in business and manufacturing, referring to a product that supports another main product.
Example: “The software company also offers ancillary products that enhance the main software’s functionality.”

19. Adjunct

Appropriate Usage: Used in various contexts to describe something added or supplementary to something else.
Example: “The training program was an adjunct to the existing employee development plan.”

20. Corollary

Appropriate Usage: Typically used in logical, mathematical, or philosophical contexts to describe a proposition that follows from one already proved.
Example: “The corollary to the company’s expansion was an increase in market share.”

Linda Brown