What Is Another Way to Say “Being Done”?

Looking for synonyms for being done? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say being done.

  • Completed
  • Finished
  • Accomplished
  • Concluded
  • Executed
  • Finalized
  • Fulfilled
  • Realized
  • Settled
  • Wrapped up
  • Achieved
  • Performed
  • Resolved
  • Closed
  • Terminated

Want to learn how to say being done professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Completed

Appropriate Use: Used to indicate that something has been fully finished or made whole.
Example: “The project was successfully completed ahead of schedule.”

2. Finished

Appropriate Use: Indicates that something has come to an end or has been brought to a conclusion.
Example: “The construction work on the new office building is finished.”

3. Accomplished

Appropriate Use: Describes something that has been achieved successfully.
Example: “The team accomplished all their quarterly goals.”

4. Concluded

Appropriate Use: Used to signify something that has been brought to an end, often after a deliberate process.
Example: “The meeting was concluded with action items for everyone.”

5. Executed

Appropriate Use: Refers to something that has been carried out or performed.
Example: “The marketing plan was executed flawlessly.”

6. Finalized

Appropriate Use: Indicates that something has been finished completely, with all necessary decisions made.
Example: “The contract negotiations have been finalized.”

7. Fulfilled

Appropriate Use: Used to describe a duty or a task that has been completed satisfactorily.
Example: “The order for the customer was fulfilled on time.”

8. Realized

Appropriate Use: Refers to something that has been made real or achieved, often a goal or ambition.
Example: “The company’s expansion plans were finally realized.”

9. Settled

Appropriate Use: Indicates that an issue or a matter has been resolved or decided.
Example: “The dispute between the departments was settled amicably.”

10. Wrapped up

Appropriate Use: Informal way to indicate that something has been completed or finished.
Example: “We’ve wrapped up the project and are ready to present the results.”

11. Achieved

Appropriate Use: Indicates the successful completion, especially of a goal or objective.
Example: “She achieved outstanding results in her research.”

12. Performed

Appropriate Use: Describes something that has been carried out or executed, especially in terms of tasks or actions.
Example: “The surgery was performed with great precision.”

13. Resolved

Appropriate Use: Indicates that a problem, issue, or situation has been dealt with successfully.
Example: “The technical issues with the software were quickly resolved.”

14. Closed

Appropriate Use: Refers to something that has been brought to an end, especially in a business or official context.
Example: “The financial year was closed with positive results.”

15. Terminated

Appropriate Use: Indicates that something, often a process or an agreement, has been brought to an end.
Example: “The contract was terminated following mutual agreement.”

Linda Brown